Spring means cleansing time capa excess getting rid of excess copper that might have accumulated over the wintertime. And spring is a perfect time to do this and to do a cleanse because naturally we would be coming to the end of our food stores that we would have had overwinter so we're probably eating, you know, some dried meat, some dried fruit, and we're waiting for those first green sprouts to come up right. So anyone gardener know what the first vegetable that comes up in the spring is asparagus. Yes. So we're just waiting for that first batch of asparagus and all the little green shoots that are coming up. We're eating those and that's giving us that cleanse because all of those bitter greens are liver cleansers.
Right. So anytime you have the bitter taste, you know you've got something there that's cleaning out your liver. So in the spring, we're in transition, we're going from our more acidic diet of the winter to a more alkaline diet of the spring and summer. We're going to start to transition from so many root vegetables into more leafy greens. So we're going to have more salads, or we're going to have those salads on the days in the spring where it's warm outside, right. So, Elizabeth, you were mentioning, it's hard to know what to eat.
Because our weather has been so back and forth. One day, it's like spring or almost summer. The next day we're about to winter with snow on the ground. So each day you have to prepare foods that are opposite to the quality He's outside. So if it's cold outside, that would be a day probably to lay off the salad or to just have it as a little side dish to a warm meal. And then when we get into a warmer day, then you can have more of that salad make that more of a meal for yourself.
So that's the way you manage the spring and as long as you keep yourself warm enough, and I had a client in this week, and Oh, she had a great outfit on it was lovely, but it was she was underdressed for the weather. And she had just gotten over cool. And she's wearing shoes with her toes. You know, open toed shoes, no scarf. The jacket was open. It was just it was and I don't care if you're just going from my friend door to your car.
You can't be underdressed just even that little bit. So when I take out my garbage, I go around Just the side of the house at the front there, it's like hardly 15 feet, right? I have a hat, a scarf a coat on, just to do that. I don't go out there and shiver and do this and take my garbage out. That's how you get sick. So I can't seem to get this into people's heads.
You know. So don't be sitting in your car. If it's cold and you've got no hat on, doesn't matter that you're not outside in the wind that it's cold in the car right till it warms up, can always take things off. So if you keep yourself warm, and you juggle the spring diet, winter diet back and forth. And even if you're out, having a meal out, you can still choose something that's going to work better than other choices. And you want to stay away from things like dairy products, pastas, white bread, sugar, Anything that might increase mucus in the body, because that's gonna be could just tip you into being in enough excess of coffee to make you sick.
So, always in the spring you want to go to more stringent. So doing lemon water in the morning is a perfect thing. Add a little cayenne pepper if you're not inflamed and keep, keep things moving stimulate the liver early on in the day so that we don't go into stagnation. So what can happen in the spring as you get heavy and damp and the more that you're heavy and damp To start with, the more that the spring can bother you, right. The other thing with the transition in the spring is it's at high water time. There the wind is picked up.
It's a wind of change bringing in the transition. So that's what aggravates Vartan makes it hard for us to sleep at this transition. So a lot of people will have spring fall difficulties sleeping in those two seasons because of that. So then again, the more that you can do some grounding foods, your your sweet root vegetables, your sesame oil, massage, all those things that decrease Vata, then that's going to help you get a better night's sleep. So the sesame oil on the feet, very important do that before you go to bed. next session, we're going to focus on breathing and but you can put your hands on your stomach at night and make sure that that's moving when you sleep when you're trying to go to sleep.
So those two things can kind of dial down your nervous system. And of course, regularity. The body really loves a routine unfortunately, I I would prefer to be able to stay up Late one night and get them then go to bed at my usual time the next but that usually doesn't happen. So the more that we're on a routine the easier it's going to be take a warm Epsom salts bath. You know that's a wonderful thing to do in the spring to to kind of cleanse for cops. Epsom salt.
I know it's a lie lay one. Yeah, one is your G. One is your general and I mean, four, four is a pretty therapeutic dose. I all go somewhere in between, usually, depending how cheap I am. Try to eat that's how I would do it. If you if you're used to doing one, then don't go all the way the four it might aggravate your skin. You know, so, do two and see how that feels.
And that's always how I would recommend anything that you are starting to ingest that's new that you haven't done before is to start with the smaller dose and just see how you respond because you may be different than most other people. You know, there's always exceptions. So punch of karma, we're going to do a revised version of punch a karma at home. Punch means five, it's there, number five. And so there's five healing or cleansing modalities in punch karma and karma. Karma means action or effect or cleansing in this case, but it's changing, you're definitely making a transformation.
And so, traditionally, you would have oil enemas, you would have oil decoction that were herbal, had some herbal medications in them new and have medicated oils that, you know, we're all going up the other end right and then you will have fun Meaning therapies. If you have a lot of cough, mucus in the stomach, they would be doing the vomiting, therapies with coffee. And then there's a whole bunch of nasal cleaning out the nasal passages as well. So that's all done in an in treatment setting. And along with that you would be getting beyond lymphatic I your Vedic massage, and you might get other therapies depending what's going on with you. So one of them is Sherif Daro where you have a continuous stream of sesame oil that's poured on the third eye at a certain temperature, and it's extremely calming for the for the mind.
No, you've had that. Have you? The see I have not experienced that. So yes, that would be great. Yeah. So Sherry does do that she doesn't have a perfect setup at her place just a little tight around the sheer Dora like I've done it.
Yeah a few times in that space. Okay, it's small. So you'd be willing to do that if someone wanted to have that experience, which I definitely do. And yeah, so there's a there's a whole brushing of of using chickpea flour to dry toxins, there's a sweating therapy. So ideally we all go to an Ayurvedic spa all our meals are cooked for us we have. We have all these therapies done for us and we are in a beautiful setting.
We do some yoga, we rest a lot. So that would be your traditional punch of karma that you're you would have in the treatment center and depending how ill you are, you would stay you know, they might recommend three weeks or six weeks or eight weeks or in that kind of thing. Generally, it's a two to three week minimum that they like people to stay. So what we're going to do is a at home version, so it's modified. And the one thing that you really want to do is not stress the body so you don't want to start getting symptoms of detoxing too fast. So what panchakarma is brilliant at doing is getting into the fat cells and cleaning them out.
Because the fat cells is where we store all our toxins right. And along with that, if you read the notes they do know now scientifically, it's been proven that our cells also hold emotion. So when we have an emotion generate an emotion in our body Physical, physiological changes that are chemical in nature. And those chemicals end up in ourselves as an imprint of that emotional experience so often on with massage therapy, someone can start to have some memories or some images of an event that maybe happened a long time ago that they thought they had dealt with. And I say to them, Well, you didn't deal with it in your mind and your mental sphere, but you didn't deal with it in your emotional body. You know, your energy body so it's still in the cells and when we start manipulating tissue, especially with the Ayurvedic limb for massage, it's that's amazing for moving stuff.
So that kind of the stimulus to get things moving can also So release a lot of all toxic junk that's in our system that we don't need to be carrying around anymore. And there's traditional herbs that are used as well. They can help us to detox even quicker and more easily. And you're going to decide which if anything you want to add to to your detox so you can go all out and order a whole package of herbs. Or you can do the more simple at home remedies that will be very effective. And my what I would tend to recommend is that you do the most gentle easiest one first and get that under your belt and have a good experience with that.
And then you can always do another one in the summer. So summer Also another time that if you feel you need to clean yourself out and once wasn't enough, you feel like you could have another go at it. Because our bodies don't have to keep us warm in the summer, it's a easier time for the body to do another cleanse, then say in the winter, where you're going to put your body under stress because you don't have you're going to the body is going to have to work harder to keep itself warm, right. So don't feel that just because you do one in the spring if you don't do it perfectly, or if either none of us will. Or if you feel like you've you didn't get a full effect. Maybe you want something a little deeper, you can do it again.
So what we're going to make today, food wise, we'll get that started and then we'll keep going with the talking About the cleanse. So we're going to make kittery on our cleanse and most of you have seen me make kittery and you've had kids three, there's a few of you who haven't we have to make it a bit differently during a cleanse. So I thought I would show you mo and we're making it the way we would for a cleanse which is no fat. So the basic gist of panchakarma is that at the beginning of your day, in the morning, you're going to ingest some ghee and you're going to start with one teaspoon and work your way up. And how much ghee you end up having depends on you depends on how your body tolerates it. And sometimes I don't get to the full eight teaspoons of ghee, so it just depends how I feel.
Sometimes I just can't stomach it. So I go with my gut feeling there and I do what my body wants me to do. I don't say no, I have to, you know, get all this key into me. And how I usually have it is with a bit more milk in the morning. So you're going to take that teaspoon of ghee melted in the warm milk and if I'm still drinking coffee it goes in my coffee. I'm doing cow's milk, organic cow's milk, you definitely want organic here and you want to be eating as much organic as you can.
You can also use almond milk, that's fine. You can use soy I don't recommend too much soy milk. Just it's not we don't have a good quality version of soy milk here. And it's just a little question. For the system, and you really want to make sure that your you'd have to have organic because there's too many GMO. Coconut.
Yeah, coconut milk. Sure, fine. Yep. Feel like coconut milk. So some kind of fat. No.
So your morning you're telling you're by by doing that you're telling your body burn fat for the day, that's the fuel that you're going to get. And then for the rest of the day, you eat a non fat diet, so there's no fat in your meals for the rest of the day. And you will be surprised at how not tasty things are. That's why when they Oh, I know. Well see, you're the exception. You're going to do some fat during the day because you we don't want you.
Yeah, yeah. So you can do you're gonna do modified version that's a little. Yeah, yeah, very gentle. So you've told your body you're gonna burn fat for the rest of the day you eat a non fat diet. And that way your body will start to burn its own stores have fat. And you're going to get your body used to using fat as fuel because the body is going to use one of two things, it's going to use either sugar or fat.
And if your body is burning sugar, you're never going to lose weight, you have to burn fat. So you have to eliminate sugar from your diet. Or just have it you know, maybe once a week you have that piece of cheesecake that you've just been thinking about all week, right? So don't deny yourself things because that doesn't work. But minimize it and have it once in a while and then get back on the fat burning train. So part of the Purpose of panchakarma is to get us off sugar onto burning fat.
So we started to become good fat metabolizers and we get our blood sugar when you're burning fat, your blood sugar levels are nice and even. You don't get these spikes up and down, up and down. So you can go four or five hours in between meals quite easily and it's not a problem, right. So the kitchen sorry. And I don't need you to go into the fridge. Earlier today.
Yeah, this is working out just fine. So the kittery is the same. It's the Mone doll and I'm just going to go over this because there are a few people who haven't seen seen this. This is an organic Mung doll and then can be spelled with two O's. Or you and you Angie. I've seen it with one.
Oh, so I bet somewhere it's spelled with an O n au. So it that's just the way things are in India. And this is a nice organic version which is great to be able to get from the Indian food store. Oh God, yeah, as much as you can. The more I read about pesticides and herbicides and how they destroy the bacteria in our gut, the more I'm kind of I choose more and more organic as much as I can. I get organic.
So because we're not salting, we're not going to be sorting anything gi in here. We're just going to throw everything in together and all I forgot I was gonna soak some shit talking mushrooms because it would give it more anything I can find to add more flavor to this. I'll do Okay, once you take the fat out of things, fat is a great deliver of flavor. So it will take those spices and really deliver them onto your palate that in a way that won't be happening with this dish so it won't be as tasty as you're used to. But I will try my best. Now I have a couple choices here.
I can saute this in some chicken broth and throw the spices in and kind of do a full saute. I just won't do that. Have a bit of chicken broth Can you press the satay button for me, Elizabeth and you'll tell me when that's hot. We're using kittery because it is very nutritious. Mondo is very easy to digest. So we want something that's kind of like baby food that's easy to digest that doesn't require a lot of us, but that's going to keep us going and keep us keep our blood sugar levels stable.
So, smell this and see if you can smell how that's a stringent. That's an astringent smell. Hopefully maybe you're smelling the onions on my hand. I know that that's a stringent. Yeah, it smells kind of mess. Okay.
Yeah, you got that. It's like fresh pea pods, right? It's, you eat those. They have a dryness chalkiness to them that's astringent. So all your beans have that quality and I've soaked this overnight. So this is a cup of rice and a cup of mango.
Tell me when this gets to being hot. Just to make it more digestible. You don't have to soak it. But the more you soak these things, the more It's just making it easier to digest. So it was one less thing to do today. That's right.
Yeah, when you soak them, you've got the, you're getting the outer husk softer so that the inner one is like the more penetrates it'll cook more evenly and then it'll be softer on the inside, you won't have that tendency to be as chewy. So that but it's split. So there's no skin on there, right? There's no skin on it. So if it were whole Mung doll, it would be pretty hard, harder, much harder to digest. Is that not hot yet?
Okay, I'm still waiting. I'm gonna add mushrooms to this for flavor and I don't have as much space as I usually Do so I will play. So sometimes people will do this cleanse when they're really busy and they just don't want to think about cooking or food, they'll just say, Okay, well I'll do a modified kitchen cleanse and just eat that during the week. So I don't have to think about things or make a salad and have that with it and a big pot of soup. So, but generally you want to do a cleanse, you want to pick a week where you're not too stressed out where you're not too busy, where you know, you'll be able to have some time for yourself to have some reflection time have some time to do a little stretching every morning. So you want to plan that so you have a little Little bit of a spa time for yourself, you're going to have to have an Epsom salts bath every night.
And you're also going to want to do some dry brushing and oil massage every day. So both of those things don't take very long. You can probably do a whole routine, you know within, including your dry brushing, massage yoga. What else might you throw in there? He might do a neti pot might do some meditation. So if you set aside even half an hour a day when you decide you're going to do this, that's going to be helpful.
If you can do an hour that's great. If you can get out and walk in nature, that's really quite imperative that we have more of a connection to the woods outdoors. So try and get out and really have that connection at least once during the cleanse. And there's actually they're talking about the disorder now. That's called the nature deficiency disorder. I mean, I love this neighborhood, but there's nowhere to walk in the woods.
I'm thinking of wallpapering my bat one bathroom wall with trees. I just I really need more trees around me it's it's a bit of a danger point at Sherry's place last weekend, and it was so beautiful because out the back window, there's just trees, trees, trees and out the front. She's important Stanley, then there's a river going by in the front. It's really lovely. So backyard. Oh, yeah.
What's that? I don't want to farm so there's like Oh, you're so lucky. We say luck. It's the way it should be. Now, you can just feel the tension leaving you can't you? Oh, yeah.
Okay. Okay. Maybe you take me. All right. Okay, there's a spot. We found a spot.
I don't care if it's not a big walk. I just needed something like that around me. All right, excellent. Now I'm happier that so I'm just going to put all my veggies in here and let it kind of simmer in the chicken, a little bit of chicken broth I've put in and then I'm going to add my spice mix. It's the same spice mix. Now we're going into spring and summer so I'm putting a little more coriander my spice mix now then it's probably half in half Coriander and Cumin.
And that's about two and a half to three. I put three tablespoons in there I had it. That's the spice mix that we've made before. We made it last time and I think I did make a video on the spice mix. So it will be going up about three tablespoons, but put as much as you want in. Now are people familiar with celeriac?
So celery or say that celery, celery, celery? Okay. This is the root of celery. Okay. And it has a really lovely taste of celery to level. Yeah, yeah.
Pass it around, have a smell. It is potent. And so I'm just gonna die. Some love that. Oh yeah, it's a fresh, fresh smell. Yeah, you have another kid tree recipe too.
I mean, every time I've done a workshop I've probably written in a different kitchen has to be so there's tons of different and whether it's made in the south or the North, sometimes they'll put different things in it. I could have put mustard seed in here, right? So that's just gonna add a little bit. I've got a couple cups of carrots that I put aside for this. And that's pretty much it. I'm gonna put in some tomato paste.
This is a sauce. Yeah, you can use any kind of tomato things but I really don't recommend And using anything in the can anymore, probably like I put I cut one of these slices and I shaved off the edges and then I chopped dice. You can put as much as you want and you know I'm thinking somewhere between probably like four cups of vegetables in here. See I keep I like celeriac because it keeps for quite a while. And as a single person I think if you buy things that keep you're more likely going to get to use and before they go bad so how I manage my vegetables or manage my vegetables is that the ones that are going to go bad quick. I eat those first and then cabbage will last for weeks right my herbs will last for weeks if I treat them right so A lot of the winter squashes and things, they're great on sale and buy a few and then because they will last I have I don't waste food as much when I go about it that way.
And if you're likely to put something in your CRISPR and forget about it, then don't put it in the CRISPR put it up on your main shelf and get to it before it goes bad but a Roomba though last for a long time as a green radicchio. Surprisingly, it's so thin, the leaf is so thin, but it still does. Last quite a long time. I'm surprised by ridicule and it's really nice, bitter, and it's a pretty crowler too. So we're gonna ask I have a cup of mango and a cup of rice. So I need about six to eight cups of liquid and I'm very short on chicken broth.
So I always keep these organic Boolean cubes around, because if I run out a chicken broth and I can use those, so I've resolved them in some hot water and I'm going to put that in and then I want the rest of my water in there. So 23467 is going to be fine. Yeah, you want the doll to be kind soupy so you're gonna, and it's gonna absorb a lot. So generally beans it's one cup beans, two, three cups water, right? Yeah, but I've got a cup of rice in there too and so it's it should have a little bit of juiciness left to eight minutes. In the Instant Pot if you're doing it on the stove chop it's gonna take probably about 30 to 40 minutes to cook the manga.
Yeah. So it's a big difference. So so it's on pressure cooker, eight minutes. Yes. Yep. And have I forgotten anything.
Spices, spices are in there. I could have put I could put ginger and garlic is not so much garlic but some ginger for digestion and I will just Yeah asked if a teacher would be good or hang Yep, same the same thing so I'm gonna put some ginger in so I'm just chopping this ginger in you know, I'm not right now because I want to get it in there and this is pretty clean organic ginger from the markets. Just the flavors so intense in the organic ginger It really is. Okay so I did get my ginger in there that's good. What else anything else I want to get in there before I forget some Assa tea there might as well. So this is a pungent This is going to add more pungent.
It takes the place of garlic, but it's a good digester. ossifer teether smells like a fart. No wonder it smells familiar.