Okay, so to get mobile controls working, it's actually pretty easy. So we're going to open up our player script once again. And what we're going to do is we're going to create an if statement, just in the update here. So the reason we're doing this is because when we're playing the game on our mobile, we don't actually need these two lines of code here. So we're just going to write if sorry, hash if unity in big capital underscore Ella. Oh, and so the way you do or is to have these vertical lines, or unity stand the line or unity web Wow.
And then we're just going to write under this. We're just going to write, hash. And if. So this is not common code. This is not something that you'd see all the time. So if it's if it looks a bit strange to you, hey, it's just it is what it is.
So if we go back over to unity, and we go to the console, press play. Just check that everything's working fine. Yep, everything is working fine. Still. Okay, it's been saved, everything's good. So this just means that these two lines of code won't.
Actually, nothing will happen when we're playing on a mobile device. These will only happen in the unity editor. Unity standalone, or Web Player standalone is like Windows or Mac, or Linux. Cool. We're still wanting to move forward. In any case, underneath that, we can actually run a note traversals and just write to comments.
Right mobile controls. And then we want to create a new, we want to create an if statement. So this statement is obviously, like you're asking a question. And if that statement is true, then continue on with that the code within that if statement. So we just want to check if input were using the input class, again, like we used for up here. If input dot tops count is greater than zero, then close parentheses and open curly brackets, press enter.
So then what that will mean is whenever there's any more than zero fingers touching the screen, do whatever is in this code. So we don't want we want it to run only if something's touching, right, and the screen and so it's saying if touch count is greater than zero, do the stuff that's in this code. I'm just going to neaten this up here by closing that, so it just looks a little bit neater. Cool, but before we actually do the code that happens inside this if statement, we need to actually create a variable, another variable, that's just a throwaway variable, a variable that's only used within the update method, well within In this method, which is the update method, and that's going to be a vector two. So what is a vector two a vector two is an X and a Y position. So we're going to call this vector to Touch.
Touch is going to be equal to camera dot main, so the main camera dot screen to world point and we're going to say input dot mouse position, which is a bit deceptive because it also works on mobile plus, new vector three 00 10 comma, zero comma zero comma 10 F. Awesome. So we're creating a new vector today called touch. You don't need to understand everything that's going on here except for this is basically getting the location of where we're touching on the screen and storing it in a variable called touch. And then within this, if statement here, we need to say, Well, if you've got more than one finger on the screen, we're going to just simply say, transform dot position equals new vector three. And the first position of the new vector three will be touch dot x. So that's part of this touch variable.
So touch the exposition of this touch variable, which is our finger position. and transform dot position dot y because we don't need, we don't need the y position of our finger, we're just moving it left and right. And then transform dot position dot z. And this is saying, just basically you just stick with the default default, because we're creating a new vector three. Cool, and that is it. So now, we can actually test this out.
So let's go over to helium x, we've got no errors. I'm gonna press play. And obviously, we can't test it out yet. We got a null reference error. Okay, so let's go over to the SEC to highlight a player. Click on player double click.
Okay, so it's saying that our camera dot main dot screen scramble to point I'm guessing that it's actually going like Well, I don't know which which is the main camera. So to fix that, let's go check out our main camera. Click on Main camera and we can see that it's not actually tagged as main camera. So we want to change that. Let's see if this let's see if this fixes this, go over to the tap main camera, click tag and change Asana to main camera. So now you know he knows that when we say camera dot main, we're talking about this camera because we've tagged it with the tag main camera, which is a default tag.
And usually, let's see if it works now press play. Awesome. Now we have no errors. But how do we test it? Well, we need to actually test it on a mobile device. So unity actually has a an app for this on both Android and iOS that you can download.
It's called unity remote five. And then all you need to do is plug in your device to the computer, and it should show a screen like this. And then you press the play button, and then we'll play the game on the screen. And you'd be able to test out if he if your touch inputs are actually working. If that doesn't work, go to Edit Project Settings, editor. And you should be able to choose your device from this section here.
If it's plugged into computer, it should appear here and you should be able to select your device. And then you'll be able to test out that the controls work perfectly. If for whatever reason, you're having trouble connecting your device to the computer, and you for some reason can't get it to connect and it's not working. Don't worry, because this is the only line of code that we'll be using to actually test for the mobile control, basically. So as long as you've got this written here, it means that we can continue on. And when we get to the stage where we actually export our game and pull on the mobile devices used to be able to continue on with the course without any troubles as long as you've written exactly what's here.
Awesome, so everything should be working. Fantastic. Okay, and the last little thing we need to do to get our movement based Movement working correctly, is to make the camera for the player and we'll do that in the next episode.