Module 2: Video Lesson

12 minutes
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Module to understanding diversity. What is diversity? diversity is the inclusion of a wide variety of people of different races and cultures in a group or organization. It is vital that every employer and employee has an understanding of the concepts of diversity related terms and concepts. When learning about diversity, it is important to understand its terms and conceptual ideas ableism discriminatory beliefs and behaviors directed against people with disabilities, affirmative action policies that take race, ethnicity, or gender into consideration in an attempt to promote equal opportunity or Create increase ethnic or other forms of diversity, ageism, discriminatory beliefs and behaviors directed against people because of their age, anti semitism, discriminatory beliefs and behaviors directed against Jews, anti Arab discrimination, discriminatory beliefs and behaviors directed against Arabs, classics and some discriminatory beliefs and behaviors based on differences in social class, generally directed against those from poor and working class backgrounds.

Culture, the ever changing values, traditions, social and political relationships and worldview shared by a group of people bound together by a combination of factors that include common history, geographic location, language, social class. And it's religion. discrimination. The same kind of belief systems and behaviors, both personal and institutional directed against individuals or groups based on their gender, ethnic group, social class, language, or other perceived differences if no central systems discriminatory beliefs and behaviors based on ethnic differences, hetero sexism, discriminatory beliefs and behaviors directed against gay man, lesbians and transgenders minorities, a part of a population different from others and some characteristics and often subjected to differential treatment. Multi culturalism the acceptance of multiple ethnic cultures for practical reasons and or for the sake of diversity and apply to the demographic makeup of a Pacific place. Racism a system of privilege and penalty based on one's race, sexism, discriminatory beliefs and behaviors directed against women.

A Brief History. racial and ethnic minorities in the United States have been faced with legal and social exclusion for much of the 21st century. labor shortages during the Second World War, creating some new work opportunities for African Americans and women, even with this progress, however, the labor market still provided preferential treatment to men. Women it provided opportunities were not taken seriously, and were paid far less for performing the same jobs. African Americans, Asians and Hispanics continue to have lower social status and work opportunities and status. The notable Brown versus Board of Education of Topeka United States Supreme Court decision in 1954 declare that state laws that had created separate public schools for black and white students denied black children equal educational opportunities and a unanimous decision.

Justices stated that separate educational facilities are inherently unequal as a result racial segregation was ruled a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the United States Constitution. And December 1955. Rosa Parks an African American woman, refused to relinquish her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery, Alabama. Her arrest prompted a group of black citizens to initiate a one day boycott of the public bus system, leading to picketing and a year long boycott of the Montgomery public bus system, and selected merchants. As a result the public bus system was desegregated. A Baptist minister Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. helped to organize the boycott and by 1957 Dr. King's Southern Christian Leadership Conference began to work for equal rights across the state.

In September 1957, angry white moms in Little Rock, Arkansas, opposing the court ordered desegregation of public schools threatened violence. President Dwight D. Eisenhower orders federal troops to protect nine black students integrating Central High School in Little Rock in 1954 Supreme Court decision, these events and several other landmark cases serve as the foundation for integration initiatives and the civil rights movement. But even after passage of the civil rights laws beginning in the 1960s, equal opportunity initiatives for minorities and women's were not relevant. Because prejudice can take on many subtle yet effective forms. private and public institutions remained all white, or all male long after court decisions or statutes formally ending discretion. A nation.

Both the courts and Republican and Democratic administrations look to race and gender conscious remedies to end persistent discrimination. president john F. Kennedy created a committee on equal employment opportunity in 1961 and designated the term affirmative action for measures designed to achieve non discrimination. Title seven was enacted as part of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, ending discrimination by large private employers whether or not they had government contracts. In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson issued an executive order requiring federal contractors to take affirmative actions to ensure equality of employment opportunity without regard to race, religion, and national origin. Gender was later Adding the EEOC. Congress established the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in 1964. to enforce title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ELC is in charged with enforcing anti discrimination laws by preventing employment discrimination and resolving complaints. That act is designed to make employees whole for illegal discrimination and to encourage employers to end discrimination. The EEOC is composed of five commissioners and a general counsel appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. commissioners are appointed for a five year staggered terms. The general counsel's term For years, the president designates a chair and a vice chair. The chair is the chief executive officer of the Commission.

The Commission has authority to establish Equal Employment Policy and to approve litigation. The general counsel is responsible for conducting litigation. The EEOC carries out its informant, education and technical assistance through 50 field offices serving every part of the nation. In 1965, President Lyndon B Johnson appointed Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr. as the first chairman of the EEOC, serving with him were commissioners Richard Graham, Eileen Hernandez, Luther hoka and Samuel Jackson. Charles T. Duncan, an African American, how would you live versity law professor was appointed as the first general counsel of the EEOC. After that important civil rights organizations formed or grew in scope.

The National Organization for Women now was founded in 1966. new initiatives for the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People the NAACP, founded in 1909 include heading into the 21st century. The NAACP include focusing on disparities in economics, health care, education, voter empowerment, and a criminal justice system, while also continuing its role as a legal advocate for civil rights issues. The a RP founded in 1958, has also continued to be active to help Members over 50 with age related work issues. Case Study. Harold walked into the break room to use the microwave. he overheard two of his co workers talking the conversation turn to other staff members, and herro overheard one of them say I don't think Jamal's very bright.

I don't know how he keeps his job here. The other said he only keeps his job here because of his skin color. Hair blink, taken back. He walked up to his two co workers and said, the comment you made is offensive. And there are laws against speaking about coworkers that way. I believe that kind of talk out of The workplace If I were you, the two co workers looked embarrassed.

They apologize for this statement and reassured Harold, that he wouldn't hear comments like that again in the workplace.

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