Base we are going to discuss about the table How can you try your table so first of all I need to come in this one now bottom now I'm saying that I have a table I have a table and I have inside er for schools in I have a tea or I have also the GD table data and now the table data in the table data I have first of all home or suppose sexy and now I'm saying it I'm saying shaky This is a single Okay, now I'm saying john, and now I'm saying, Alex. I'm saying Rita Rita. Okay, so now I'm giving the class to my table, you don't need to add the classes for I'm saying class my table, you can keep your own name, or whatever you want to write here. So now go to your page, refresh the page, you have your tables.
And now I'm saying this is my table. And now I'm saying with 100% refresh the page. Now as you can see, showing the words hundred percent. Now if I'm adding the th table heading, my table so now I'm saying name, refresh the page and remove the hundred So this is the name or suppose, sorry, this is the name. This is the roll number 123. And this is the city or suppose, UK or I'm saying New Jersey or New York, or I'm staying in Karachi, okay?
I'm saying this is the country possible lighting India, refresh the page now because you have three fields. And now I'm adding the name. But yes, I'm saying this is the name. And this is the roll number. And this is the city and I'm saying this is country. Refresh the page.
Okay, so now how can you style your code? First of all, if I'm copying this and pasting again, and I'm saying this is john, and the number is and I'm saying this is Mumbai, and I'm saying this is India refresh the page now you have to copy this. My table goes up here and access your class and I'm saying t r comma th we have a tr and we have a t s here. What? You have a tr and th I'm saying color red color red. First okay so now we can see you have a tr so this is a tr is a tr and this is a th or suppose if you are adding the CI our red colors to red colors.
Right click inspect element so you have a gr This is also a gr o am thing. gr okay I'm thinking the GR we have a tg at them. So is showing this, if I'm saying that add color to my table heading, copy, paste, and I'm saying I have a Ts, and use the Oliver page. So you have all So first of all, and how can you use the parodying possible if you want to get the padding to your TVs? So I'm saying padding. padding 10 pixels, that means I'm saying at the 10 pixel padding to top left, bottom right, refresh the page.
So now as you can see, I have just added that adding this one if I'm seeing at the border, or suppose border, or sorry, border, one pixel solid red, refresh the page now you can see I have added the border, okay, if you want to add the border to your elements, how can you do that? I suppose I'm saying, first of all my tables because you have a table like this. You have a table, and I'm seeing at the border, collapse, collapse, collapse. And now I'm saying, okay, okay, refresh the page. Now they can see fine. And now add your border to your elements.
Or suppose I'm saying my table. So this is my table. This is my table in the mind table, I'm saying I have the th and also that. Now I'm saying order. Bottom. First of all, I'm going one pixel, solid red because you really refresh the page.
Now as you can see, it's working fine and you have added the model to your elements possible. If you are adding if you want to The border to your T tg just write your TD and click on this because we are adding the border to border to that so if you are adding the overall border border one pixel solid red is now as you can see, it's working fine because you have added the padding and PR and pixel padding to your element so that's why you are giving the gap top left right bottom if you are removing this padding, or suppose that's the case now you can see it's showing like this. So it's totally depend upon you and your need how you are managing your port and what is your requirement. And if you want to create the haulers first of all if you are adding I'm saying this is the border bottom, or I'm saying okay border or the order won't exist solid records fine.
Now I'm saying whenever someone Had this tr just change the background color or suppose now what you just need to call this and now what I'm saying whenever someone power this tr I'm saying background color just right which is sorry I'm saying the wrong color just refresh the page. So how refresh the page so now we can see when someone Howard our gr is showing like this. Okay, so now it's totally depend upon you and your requirement, what you need and what you are going to do. You can also add the color to you or this element he is associated man upon you. I'm saying big long lag and color white such the page. So background color color white.
So as you can see it's working fine. Oh so I think this is enough footwear in the next lecture we are going to cover some other topics. Thank you