And sound. Okay, we're going to look at the air sound and the air sound. And this is very important because if you don't have the mouth in the right position, a native speaker won't understand you or think you're saying a different word. For example, if I say, bad, and I say bed, there's a difference. And maybe for a non native speaker, you don't really hear the difference too much. But for us, there's a big difference.
So let's look at the mouth. The Ah, it's down. Ah, the mouth is more open. Ah, and don't worry about opening your mouth too much. It's not too much for an American. It's okay.
So, ah, like bat, bat and the other sound, the mouth is just open a little bit bad. So all I can say is make sure you make the difference. Open and just a little bit open. Okay, you know it let's practice. Okay, let's practice the app and the sound to words bad and bed. I will say one of these words two times and you write down which one you hear.
Here we go. bed. Bed correct was bad then Next to bat, bat, bat, bat. Listen. Bat bat correct was bat next to dad. Dead dad.
Dead. Listen. Dad. Dad correct was dad next to head had head on as soon as Head Head correct was hand next to Matt. Matt met Matt. Matt.
Listen. Met met the correct one was met. Okay, the last two words. Sad. Said sad said listen sad sand. The correct one was sand.
Okay. Coming up the air and ease sound See you then