Silent letters, part one. In this lesson I wanted to go into silent letters, because English has so many silent letters that you really should be aware of them. For example, the silent B, B is silent after em at the end of a word. Like thumb, thumb, you don't say thumb and the safer crumb crumb comb. Comb. B is also silent before t at the end of a word, like doubt, doubt and then debt.
Debt okay silence see the rule is see is so with sc combinations that might be easy to remember, like scissors, we don't say skeezers just scissors. Muscle, Muscle. Fascinating, fast, fascinating. scent, scent and science. We don't say scallions just science or the word ascend, ascend send that means to go up. All right, silent D. The rule is D is silent in dg combinations like edge, edge or bad edge Bad edge and bridge bridge.
So D is also silent in some common words handsome, handsome, or Wednesday. Wednesday is very important that you don't say wed next day. Just Wednesday. handkerchief. handkerchief, silent E. We have so many words in English with silent e at the end of the word, which just makes the vowel sound long kite without the E. At the end it would be Kitt. The E at the end is silent, but the vowel i is long, so kite, kite and kitty The A is long gate or phone the ELT and makes the O long bone or the E makes the G soft.
For example, wage, we wouldn't say wag it makes a G soft wage or stage, stage or range. range. The Silent G G is silent before and end like foreign foreign champagne, champagne or cognac, cognac or sign, sign align online or campaign campaign. Now the silent gh sound gh is silent after a vowel and after a au combination, for example the word weight, weight, light, light and Right, right. or daughter, daughter and gh also has an F sound in some words like Laugh, laugh or ruff. Ruff.
The Silent h silent h has no rules. You just have to learn the words like chemistry, chemistry, or school school. Exhaust, exhaust or choir is a cut sound, choir or our our or vehicle vehicle. All right going on to the silent K. So words with k n have a silent k like knob. You don't say kanab just knob or knowledge, knowledge and knife It's not connive, just knife. Just like this word.
Need. Need. or knee, knee and not not Canuck. Just knock. Okay, this is the end of silent letters part one. Stay tuned for silent letters, part two