In this lesson we're going to look at decimals, fractions and percentages. Let's start with decimals. Here's a decimal. You say it like this. 5.8 5.8 some examples 2.36 2.36 14 Point A to 14.82 here's a long one 9.7841 9.7841. Okay, on to fractions.
The word fraction comes from the Latin word fractional. It means To break. Here's a fraction. The top number is called the numerator, numerator. The bottom number is called the denominator, denominator. Okay, so this is how we say fractions.
First, the top number one, and then the bottom Cardinal number eight. So this is one eighth. If the top number is more than one, you have to add an s, three eighths. Some examples, here's a fraction, seven tenths, seven tenths five, sixteenths, five sixteenths two thirds, two thirds. Note this fraction, we say one half or a half, one half a half. We don't say one second.
This fraction we say a quarter or one fourth, a quarter, one fourth. Okay on to percentages per is the Latin word meaning out of every and cent means hundred in English you have to say percent after the number Examples 1% 1% pretty easy. 0.8% 0.8% or you could just say 8% 8%. Another 160 point, three 1%. You don't say 60 point 31% correct is 60.31%. Summary decimals, we say point 5.8 2.36 14.8 fractions.
The top number is the numerator, the bottom now Number is the denominator. We say the top number first one and the bottom number as a cardinal number one H. If the top number is more than one, you have to add an s, eights, three, eights and exception. We say, a quarter or one fourth. For this fraction we say one half or a half. Not one second. percentages very easy.
You say percent after the number 60.31% 60.31% You don't say 60 point 31% Okay. That's it.