The -TH- sound

5 minutes
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The th sound. Okay, we're coming now to the th sound. Now, this sound is made with just the tip of the tongue, the tip and the tip of the tongue, you put just a little bit in front of your front teeth, hands like this. Okay, and then you pull your tongue back like this. Yeah, there are two th sounds, but the tongue is in the same place for both of them. One TH sound is called the voiced sound.

Use it with your voice like I'm speaking now. So we're going to put the tongue back under the teeth just a little bit, and then make a sound with your throat. So here we go. All right, so the unvoiced is the same, but you're just blowing air. No sound in your throat. Let's try it hand on your throat, tongue out.

Okay, so I'm making the sound a little bit big and exaggerated, but you have to practice this. Make it big look in the mirror. Okay, we're going to do some practice now. Like I said, there are two sounds, the voiced sound and the unvoiced sound. Let's start with the voiced sound. Here are some words law.

They This their mother Let's do it again. They this their mother, okay, some unvoiced words Thank you think songs three Thursday. Again, thank you think phones three Thursday Okay, so now I want to You to get a piece of paper and a pen or a pencil and listen and write down here are two words taught and thought. I will say one of these words two times and you write down what you hear. Okay, here we go, listen, taught, taught, Which one was it taught? next words sat and that okay listen that that Which one that next two words.

Sink. sink. Listen. Think think it was think next words dare there isn't dare dare dare next to Team theme Listen. Theme theme theme was the correct word. Okay, one more thing, thing.

Listen. Ding ding. It was dating. Okay, that was a little listening practice with a th sound. Coming up, we're going to look at the V and W sound. See you then

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