Why should you become an online teacher? It's fun. It's fun. It's fun. Yes, it's fun. And you can also have access to millions of potential students by earning according to one online marketplace, an average of $8,000 per year without doing any marketing.
This sum can double and even triple if you dedicate your efforts in the marketing department. And even if you don't, it's a nice passive income from a side business, don't you think? Here are some statistics. According to curious.com. They have 1500 teachers. They don't say how many students and they have more than 15,000 lessons, according to skillshare.com just a bit of research.
They have 1000 teachers, 1 million students and 3.5 thousand average earnings per year. And udemy.com has plenty thousand teachers, 11 million students and an average of $8,000 per year. But besides the earning potential, you may be convinced by one of the following reasons. You build a following. I recently did a training in Georgia and I'm not referring to the state of Georgia, but to the Georgia country with the Capitol Police. And one of the persons from the audience was one of my training participants.
Incredible. He was doing time management course. And you make connections. One of my students suggested to contact one of his friends who was Japanese, you're starting an online education platform. So my courses are now sold in Japanese yen Hmm. And you help people I think courses in communication technologies, which leaders love taking.
And they also have one in video editing, which helps online instructors learn the technical aspects of launching an online course. Of course, you also give back and buy back. I mean, I've spent countless hours mentoring future instructors in course creation, giving feedback on their curriculum, and helping them take study steps towards their dream course. Maybe you're at the beginning of the road and you want to earn a living teaching online, or you're at the end and you want to leave a legacy behind. You need to find out your own reasons, but for now, why not try this new path and see where it leads?