Let's open the template and look at what you're going to go through over these three days. Notice that I'm showing you the first edition of the template, which I'm going to update from time to time. So it will probably have slightly different text, or be in a different format. By the time you watch the video, all the content will still be there and much more. Let's keep the first part the theory. I'm more of a practical man.
So here we are. We have three days, day one, day two, and day three, each split into chapters. Each chapter has mandatory steps that you need to go through in order to get your course by the end of day three. It also has optional steps that you can follow later when launching your second course. But for now, let's stick to the mandatory steps which also have an estimated time to completion. I've actually The time needed to complete the steps because during the creation of the template, some of my students were spending too much time trying to do everything perfectly.
But hey, this is your first course. Let's finish it first. And think about things to improve after. Each of the steps is usually a new document that takes your hand and helps you get it done. If you're waking in the early morning, and you haven't taken your coffee, like me, just now, you can still do the steps. It's auto magical.
Imagine, oh, put in the document, then taking small steps all the way to finishing the course. But let's get back to work. Next, you have the biggest mistake people make at that point in the template. That's like a big warning sign reading. Do not do this mistake. Repeat after me.
Do not Do this mistake. The first mistake, as I've mentioned, is spending more than one hour per exercise. Don't be a perfectionist on your first course nycos right, just do it. Then there are the optional steps that you will not take on your first course. These are there to make your content even better and to help you over deliver But first, let's deliver write chapter two, three, etc. That's about it.
If you see too many pictures with me just ignore them. By the end of the template my creativity was taking a long break, and I was too tired to create something interesting. So I pasted pictures would now stop and let's do a zoom out. Why did I just do I recorded my screen, also called a screencast and showed you the template With all its features, the mandatory steps, the biggest mistake the optional steps etc. screencasts are great when showing content, a curriculum, some code, how a program works, etc. Imagine how interested you would have been if I'd recorded myself talking in front of the camera for this lecture and talking and talking.
That's not the way to go. Also screencasting is the cheapest way of delivering a course. You only need the software and a microphone, and you can find suggestions for both in one of the attached documents.