We're often confronted with situations or problems that we don't feel certain that we can manage or we just give up trying to cope with them. Remember that you have to make a conscious choice regarding what you want to change, and then start to change it. Although you may feel uncomfortable at first. If you wait until you feel comfortable, you'll never change your behavioral patterns. In terms of moving on, it's important to accept the reality of the situation and to deal with any of the emotions that you experience. Look at the situation from a number of different perspectives, rather than through one specific perspective.
Some of them don't actually have to be true. You just have to believe it. For example, I'm a confident person. I can confidently deal with this issue. If I'm a confident person, how am I going to go about using my confidence to change the situation? use this as a learning opportunity, and identify what benefits are open to you.
Identify what new skills you need, on what new skills you can develop. consciously choose to let go of the issues and the things that are causing your problem. change what you can and let go of anything that you can't change. Remember that letting go relates strongly to self forgiveness, and the forgiveness of others. And it also involves a great deal of acceptance and allowing people to just be who they are. Acceptance implies that you make peace with things as they are and not as how you would want them to be.
As long believe that the world should be as you want it, you won't be able to cope with the reality as it is. Once you've identified what's holding you back, your habits the people situations emotions, thoughts, labels, etc. You will have consciously chosen to let go of it and from this you can move on