Team is considered to be resilient when the sources of pressure are well managed, and there are high levels of individual well being. So the overall performance benefits. distinct predictors of team outcomes are seen in the levels of cohesion, cooperation, coordination, conflict, and team satisfaction. This team optimism the individuals in the team look out for each other to ensure there are high levels of psychological well being across the team, avoiding burnout and ensuring sustainable levels of performance under pressure. A resilient team shows greater flexibility and originality sees changes less threatening, responds better to unfavorable feedback makes more positive judgments about others, contains individuals who fall sick less often. Recent research links the style of leadership to the well being and performance of resilient team.
Robertson and Flint Taylor showed this in their paper published in 2009. However, more research is needed to define team resilience and establish the added value of this construct. build effective leadership, establish common goals, identify targets and timetables and have a sense of urgency. Pay attention to building teams ensures ensure the team is made up of the right people with the right mix of skills. assign specific responsibilities to team members. identify resources available to teams, run meetings effectively.
Improve communication identify key information for sharing establish rewards and incentives for all team members. Identify Win Win solutions. Be competence, have clarity. Trust team members, deliver results, celebrate success and have fun. Promote friendship and camaraderie. Place importance on appreciation and understanding.
Help each other through individual coaching. promotes a sense of togetherness. Learn and evolve together. Promote harmony. Reward openness. Pay attention to team chemistry.
Celebrate often put value on a positive atmosphere. Identify and work from the team spirit and soul