Welcome to the Six Sigma greenbelt training impro phase. So, the good news is that we already completed define, measure, analyze and now it's time for improved phase improve phase is about creating the action plan what do we are going to do as a part of the improvement, but first before we have the plan, we need to be sure that we have completed this on a completed list of improvements, how to how to do it, okay. So from the Analyze phase, we have actually two two outputs. One output is that list of ideas how to eliminate waste from the process based on the gamba walk and based on your understanding of waste, this is one part and the second part is a list of root causes we created during the workshop and later using five why you have comfort of having couple of root causes that we have impact on in our process.
Okay, so now we have some starting points to the improve phase, and how to how to manage how to how to create the list of improvements and how to how to approach and during the first workshop in Chicago Ishikawa Diagram workshop you asked people For a help you ask people, please give me your ideas, your reasons, why do you think we have a problem in our process? And now have the list of root causes, you have the list of reasons why why that process behaves this way. So now, as a next step, please ask please ask the people to come for improvement generation workshop or improvement workshop, and work with them to gather step by step and to have as an output, a list of improvements to be implemented in our process. And their involvement is very important because later some of them will will be responsible for implementation of those improvements.
And it's better when it's their idea that What they want to improve, because it's easier to convince them to go and implement the change okay. So, how to do it? It still depends. So, usually you run like a brainstorming session in a room, you can ask people about preparing ideas for improvement before the workshop. So they will come to the workshop with already prepared ideas for improvement, but you need to share with them what is the least of root causes you identified? And what is the least of ways to be eliminated based on your gamba walk.
So if people will be prepared before workshop, it's fine. If not, and as a first step or during the workshop, you should present to People what are the root causes you identify to government them and what are their waste to be eliminated from the process according to and waste reduction approach? Okay, so what do you need for the workshop, you need to have this list of root causes and lists of ways to be eliminated. And you can have like a one number each tool next to each of the of the items. And later you can have like a post it notes or sticky notes as well. And you can do it both way.
So one way is that you will ask people to write down on their post it notes in silence, their ideas for improvement, and for each of the of the of the for each number you presented, or you can do it together so you can have like a Rent storming session very open discussion and then you will be the one to write down what is their improvement here, what is the idea for improvement and I think this kind of workshop is really something what is very important to the success of the of the of the project. Because if you will not involve people on this level, it will be very hard to implement the change. So, you should involve people from the very beginning, but this moment is really critical to to for the success of the product. Okay, so, let's think that you know, the workshop was like two hours long, and you have the list of improvements now.
And, and now it's your role as a project manager to use another tool. That is called impact difficulty matrix and allocate dose improvement and defense what is the impact on your project objective? And how easy or difficult is to implement this improvement, you can create this kind of impact difficulty matrix in your doing your job as well. Because then you can have the input from people. What do you think how easy or difficult is it to implement improvement number two, or how easy or difficult is to implement improvement number five and we'll be seeing what does that impact from the improvement number three on our objective so if this is implemented, what is the result in terms of our our project and usually impact difficulty matrix is divided into For like, four areas and where you should start with, Okay, so the first area you should start with is about those improvements that has the biggest impact on your project, the biggest impact on your project objectives on the your problem and they are easy to implement.
So those are those lower low low hanging fruits, the quick wins, that you should start the implementation with. Why because if people will see on the very beginning of the implementation that's in the works, that your project is really like a bringing some benefits they can they can see the change, they can see the improvements. It will be much easier for you to go with the other improvements that are more complicated, but still with a high impact on your on your project. Success. Okay, so you We'll start with this low difficulty by high impact. And then you have improvements that are difficult to be implemented, but still with a high impact.
And on the other hand, you have improvements that are very, very difficult to be implemented. But still, they have a huge impact on your project. Those two are the same equal, but the one that has low impact on your project success and are very difficult to be implemented. You should if you should not consider them in terms of your project because it's like a waste of time doesn't make sense to implement the improvements that are not they're very hard to be implemented and in the same time, they don't have big benefits for for your product. Okay, so So I think this one this activity like an impact difficulty matrix, give you the the clear picture, where you start with what are the improvements to be implemented as a guy in the first place? What are the improvements to be implemented later.
And so just just to summarize, so we have improvements that have big impact and low difficulty, they are the first one, then we have improvements that have big impact, but there are quite difficult to be implemented. You go with them as well. Then you have improvements that are very easy to be implemented. And they have no impact so you can consider them as well to be implemented because it's easy and still you have a benefit. I think it's like a value of of going ahead with them. But then category that has like a super low impact but high difficulty Quality you will not take to the to the implementation plans or there will be not part of the improve phase.
Okay, so now we are done with the impact difficulty matrix. So please use that product template to update this document if you find more comfortable to do it in the on the whiteboard in during the workshop you don't need to update the template you can just make a mega photo and have your impact difficulty matrix on the on the whiteboard and you can attach it to your project for my review as a last step. So don't don't update the document twice. It's It doesn't make sense. So I think I think this is this is quite important that if If you have a project template, but you have this information on on the whiteboard on the on the paper, and you don't need to update the template and this is the same about the process map, this is the same about Ishikawa diagram. If you if you are fine with I refine with a photo of your work, and just please, instead of updating a template, please attach the photo or just insert the photo on this top Excel file.
Okay, so we are done with the impact difficulty matrix. Thank you very much for your time. And the next video is about implementation plan. So what do we are going to do to implement our improvements? Thank you.