So in this example, I'm going to share with you our garage parade that we did. So as you can see in the photo, it's a garage is that single car garage. And then there are a few things on the floor and things are not very, very accessible. So they both fall from the sky and this was a young couple and they just had a baby. So they really, really wanted to have the car in the garage. They live in Canada, winter is long and cold.
There is a lot of snow. And let me tell you that going out to a snowy day and having to clean your car, all the snow away from your car is not fun. So they wanted to buy the car in a garage. And they want to have easy access to their bicycles because they are not using them as much because they are not accessible. They want to have a system to hang the hockey equipment. He loves playing hockey.
But one of his challenges is that he doesn't have enough space, like to keep things to set them to dry and to throw them away. They want to have a garbage station because in Canada we recycle we have garbage We have different kinds of beans that we need to have, they want to have access to the tools, they have to hand tools and they also have gardening tools that they need to use in the summertime. And they don't want to have anything on the floor. Why there Why is basically because of the cold snow winter in the winter, that's their main thing and they want to be more active. So they want to think they want to have their bicycles more accessible to exercise more. So this is that an in between forum.
So in this case, we use our system we did the 360 degree and then we got started in the storage at the end as you can see why because we empty that and then we can find we can start creating homes for the things. So what we did here we empty everything. We look at the different categories that they had, they had like gardening tools, they had gardening products, they have like regular tools, they have equipment, exercising equipment, and they have like different varieties of things. So we try to like sort things in, in the same time, say how much they had. And then we put them back in that indoor shelf that you see. And then you can see our table in the middle.
And then we just were working there. So that's how we did it. And this is the end result. As you can see, the end result is a very nice garage, nothing on the floor, everything is hung on the walls as much as we can in garages is very, very helpful to use the vertical spaces on the walls. Why? Because that way, you don't have to have things on the floor space is limited, and garage has a lot of wall space.
So we try to use hooks, shelves, wherever solutions we can implement to make the most of that vertical space. In this case you can see the bicycles are hand from hooks. Even they are a little trailer that they have to carry the baby. And then you can see the garbage beans, the garbage station, are pleased to have like plastic bags, and that little like license plate. That's something that they loved. And we try to beautify the space with the things that they like.
And then they even have extra empty shells. As you can see that after doing the decluttering, that they let go of a few things that they didn't need. And now the space is very functional. So this is the storage space, how we set it up, the left side was gardening and tools, and the right side was hockey. As you can see, in the case of the gardening tools, everything is accessible. You don't have to move things around.
Like if you need one shovel, you don't have to move things that are in front. So you can just grab the shovel and use it. So that's very convenient. And then you can put it back in the same spot. So that's more more likely to be kept organized because it's convenient. If you make things inconvenient, most likely you won't take the extra step to put things away.
So we try to make things functional and and separate things enough to don't have to like stumble into things to get to the things and direct As you can see, that's the hockey equipment. So this is very nice because he can open the doors. And then when he get back from hockey and everything is wet, he has space to hang everything. And then he leaves that open. And then when things are dry, he can shut the door. And then everything is contained in that in that storage space.
So everything was very convenient for them, they were very happy with the end result. And guess how much time it took us to do this project. Three hours, in three hours, we were able to do this transformation. So as you can see, if you follow the process, you can make a dramatic change in almost no time. As you can see, this is the car in the garage. They were very happy they sent us this photo after and we took one car load of unwanted items.
In this case, they didn't have a lot of things. But this is another great example of how the method that we have shared with you really, really worked very well and we hope it works for you too. So we'll see you in the next video.