Okay, and welcome to math electronics section three fractions. And we're going to cover some different topics here. multiplication of fractions, division of fractions, the simplest form of fraction, multiplying or dividing a fraction by a whole number, addition and subtraction of fractions, reciprocal and decimal fractions and working with decimal fractions. So let's go to the next slide and we're going to start off with multiplying fractions. Okay, we're going to talk about multiplying fractions. And if you remember from section one, we have a numerator and we have a denominator.
Okay, the numerator is the top part of The fraction and the denominator is in the bottom part of the fraction. This right here is called my fraction bar. And basically, all I do is multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators as I show you here. So if you look at this example here, I want to multiply two thirds by four sevens. All I do is multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators. So two times four is eight.
Three times seven, right here is 21. So my answer is 821. That's it. All right. Let's do one more if I want to multiply two fifths by one third. Again, two times one is two.
Five times three is 15. Is my answer. K to 15th. All right. That's it. That's it.
And basically, I can multiply in any order, meaning what I'm showing you here, two times one and five times three. But I can also do one times two, or three times five, it doesn't matter. That's what I mean by multiplying in any order. All right. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to do one more for you. I'm going to wait out the screen, do one more for you.
And then give me a couple of problems. And then we're off. We're going to do division, division of fractions. All right, well, who cares? The one I'd like to do for you. We got four sevens, multiplied by two thirds, and all again, all I do is multiply the numerators and the denominators.
So let's see what that is. Four times two. What? Eight? Three times seven? What?
21. Okay, my answer is 828 20 ones. That's it. Again, we multiply the numerators and the denominators, the numerators are on the upstairs and the denominators are on the downstairs. All right, and this is called my fraction bar right there. abbreviated fb.
That's it. Okay, next slide is going to give you two or three problems. Give me the answers, and we're going on to division. Okay, here are three examples right there. See what you can do? The answers are there.
Just multiply the numerators and the denominators. It should be pretty easy at this point. Okay. If you have Have any questions or something clarified? Look at the slide at the beginning. There's a help number on there.
Give me a call. All right, we'll see in Division.