Hey guys, in this video, we're going to be exploring the Maya style of viewport navigation. Now the Maya style of navigation makes heavy use of the Alt key on your keyboard. Now before we talk about some of those things that you can do while holding down the Alt key, I want to talk about how to frame up on an object. Now this is a super handy trick that I use all the time. And in fact, you need to know how to do it to make use of the Maya style navigation. And that is to select an object within your level or the world outliner and then tap the F as in Frank key to frame up on it.
So super easy to remember F key equals frame up on selected object. So you saw that I framed up on this chair here simply by selecting it and then tapping the F key. But I could also have that object selected here in the world. outliner like I do right now. Now, and my camera's way off yonder. But if I haven't selected and tap the F key, that is going to jump me right to it.
So super handy trick. Now what can you do while you have an object framed up such as this? Well, what you can do is hold down the Alt key and do left mouse button to do what it's called tumbling around the objects. So it keeps the object right in the center of your view, and you can pivot all around it super handy. If you hold down the Alt key and use the right mouse button that will Dally in and out on the selected object. holding down the Alt key and the middle mouse button will track the camera around like so.
Now, it is important to have framed up an object to make use of those particular controls because I'll show you what happens if you don't. I'm just going to make a quick copy of this chair here and a shortcut for how to do that is to hold down the Alt key, left click and drag and then you can drag out a duplicate Now you'll notice that I have this chair over here selected, but I have not tapped the F key to frame up on it. So if I try to use those Maya style controls right now to tumble around it, let me just hold down the Alt key and left mouse button, you'll notice that I don't actually tumble around that selected objects you have to have framed up on the object first by tapping that F key. And then you can hold down the Alt key and left click and drag to Tumblr round it.
Okay, if you have forgotten all of these different styles of navigation, all the different viewport controls there is a little handy dandy cheat sheet in the lower left hand corner of your viewport window here. And that's got this little question mark icon and if you click it, it says click to show viewport controls. And in doing so, it will jump you to this little cheat sheet right here that will show you all the different ways to navigate super, super Alright guys, that is going to do it for our discussion here on viewport navigation. We will see you guys in the next one