Game HUD

6 minutes
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Welcome back everyone, we now have a functioning Start Menu. Wouldn't it be nice if we actually had our HUD showing on screen while we were playing our game? Well, that's gonna be the goal in this one. So come in your framework folder right here and we are going to right click, create a new blueprint class and we're actually going to be creating a new game mode blueprint. You remember in the last video, we created a game mode blueprints specific for our Start Menu level and only our Start Menu level. One that was devoid of stuff like our crosshair being present on the screen.

We also did not have our First Person character present in there because we don't want to control anything we just wanted to see and interact with the start menu. Let's create a new game mode base for this. We will call this BP underscore game mode. underscore gameplay like so and we can double click on this guy to open them up and this is going to be the game mode that we want to associate with our level one when we are actually playing our game. Now this is also going to be the blueprint, the game mode that we want to set for any level that we are playing. So if we create a level or two or three etc so we can actually slot this in our project settings as well but I want to demonstrate something for you now within our game mode gameplay brute blueprint first with your class defaults button selected over along the right hand side where we can slot in various other framework blueprints come under your default pawn class.

And let's change this to be our first person character. Now you may see two options for first person character choose This bottom one with kind of this person icon right there. Okay, then go ahead and Compile and Save this. Now if I jump back to our level editor here and bring on our project settings I'm going to come under the maps in modes option. And now we do not want this first person game mode anymore, we want to use our own game mode blueprints. So click on this little drop down.

And there you can see our BP game mode gameplay option if you don't see it, make sure you've compiled and saved previously. So let's select this and as soon as I select this, you can see that it already respects that I had first person character slotted in as my default pawn class. Okay. So let me just jump in and play quickly here. Again, I'm starting off on my start menu. So I click play.

We don't see anything just yet, but I can interact with this button. Okay, so now I am actually in my level, right? But I don't see a cross here. I do have the first person character, but I don't see a cross here. Well, that's kind of problematic, right? So what we can do is either in our game mode gameplay, I can slot in the HUD class we want to use or in my project settings honestly does not matter where you set this either in your game mode itself or in the project settings, just to be different.

I will set this in my project settings, so my HUD class here I will still use my first person HUD for the time being Okay, so now if I click play, and I click level one, we are now in and you can see that my red crosshair is there as well. Now this is all well and good but we still don't see our hood on the screen. Mr. Honda. So what do we do? Well come back into your BP game mode gameplay blueprint and jump to your Event Graph tab, we want to do some stuff off of Event Begin Play Event Begin Play is going to be called as soon as level one kicks on. Okay, that is going to be the beginning of our play.

Off of this, we're going to drag off a wire and I'm going to bring in a sequence node. And the reason I'm going to be bringing that sequence node is because over the course of the next few videos, I am going to be scripting some more functionality off of this sequence node. But for now, I'm just going to be building off of this event on one branch. drag out a wire type in Create Widget. The widget we want to create when we are within our game mode. Gameplay is our w BP HUD and it's not enough just to create this we need to take that created with Drag it off of our return value here and type in Add to Viewport that is what's actually going to add it to our screen.

I'm going to left click and drag around this tap that C key to create a comment and just type in show like so. You can see that bit of script right there. I will Compile and Save now let's jump in and play. So again here we are on our Start Menu using our game mode Start Menu. And as soon as I click on this we now see that we've got some HUD on the screen pretty sweet. Because we are using our game mode gameplay for anything that is not our start menu.

I will exit out of here by hitting escape. guys that is going to do it all for this one. We will see you in the next video.

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