In this video, I'll be teaching you how to use a mind map and how the mind mapping system works and why it's important to use it to create the name of your app or your product or your website. So what you see right here is mind Meister, one of the best in my opinion systems that you can create mind maps in, it's free to login, we will create a new Mind Map and not worry, I will explain everything along the way. So new Mind Map and then we get a few templates. So we want a brainstorming because we will do a brainstorming using a mind map. So this is how it looks like. And it is just perfect for what we need.
There are elements around but for now we will focus specifically on actually using The mind map itself. So we shouldn't really bother with this the what we want to do. Our goal here is to have as little editing as possible because in brainstorming, the idea is to get your ideas out of your head and onto the piece of paper, or in this case on to the digital slide as quickly and efficiently as possible. And just a few things here. If you don't like this, we can change it to a more darker environment, for example. So in the case of the app that we had the name for mock ups.
The name that I have chosen is a mock up Fox and the way that I actually did that was I assigned domain. So I knew that it was for designers. So we will just add designers here. And it's a very simple interface, just click or double click, and you actually can edit this. In this instance, we don't need this arrow, so we just click it and select the Delete connection. Everything is really pretty much drag and drop in software, you can click here so you can add things or remove them.
And right click actually shows you more options. And you can create a map you can show this for all levels. So there are a bunch of things that you can do to actually organize the way that you are thinking about your name. So one of the areas that we will focus on is designer and then We know that the app itself will have to do with a mock up. So we can just have mock ups here as a domain. We know that it's a, it deals with clients as well, because designers usually have clients.
So we've added client, and we can delete one. If we don't think we need that many can change, we can change this. So you can just remove it if you know, I want to have the interface as clean as possible. And there's just our mock up app name. So this is the whole idea here. And then you can also add branches, right?
If we have, let's say mock up Fox was the one that one and these are some of the names that we've generated from these associated domains. So we have these domains, right in this example three, we can change the number here, for example, see 123. And this is the basic what we will be going into. And again, these could be changed. We can delete these, we can copy this. Let's say we've got more than, let's see here, maybe there we go.
And we can have multiple branches. And let's just go ahead and actually start creating the mind map. So for designer, or what words do we associated with that? So one could be Photoshop. What else could we have? We could have tools because we know exactly tools.
We can have maybe notes that he's taking So a lot of the things that that we will add here is just to really get our head into how we will connect all of these together to come up with something like this because one other domain will be animals. This is pretty much how I've come up with the name. And from here I came up with, we had Well, we had bear, we had maybe Cheetah because this was fast. So we knew that we want this to be fast. And I've sort of added this at random then signals if I drag it, I can attach it here. It's a very simple, very clean interface.
You don't really and you can modify this move it around. You don't really need to think about because the idea with my maps is the moment you start editing, you're pretty much lost. What you need to do is actually get your ideas onto the paper as fast and efficiently as possible. You don't want to start editing this is not the stage to start editing. We've have we have these, we can have this as number four. Let's see how we get that number four.
So what else does the designer have or need, maybe she needs to collaborate with other designers. We'll add that we'll move on to mock ups. Let's just remove that's how we remove these. There we go. Just click this icon here. And we'll remove the icon again as little editing as possible.
So for mock ups want them to be interactive. Perhaps we're talking about a wall wireframe because we are starting from a wireframe wireless for mock ups, we know that they're sort of fast. And then a synonym for that would be quick. So mock ups shouldn't really take all that long create. What else do we need? Perhaps we need to update our mock up so we can add this as well.
What are some of the words associated with client? Well, we know that the client and a designer have should have a contract. We know client pays money so let's just go ahead and go money or payment. What else could have a could have dollar Sort of all these ideas just start popping up, you could go well, dollar mock That could be that could be something or $99 mock Already we're starting the process of actually creating the names of domains or products in this case for the thing that we are looking for.
So, this is how a typical Mind Map would work. And the difference between a system and a formula and we will talk about this in the next video regarding tools. Now, the thing you should you should realize is having a system allows you to create diverse and unique names, having just a formula for example, if you add mega in front of things right or fire or uni or things like that, that just comes up with things that sound formulate. So I don't really encourage using a formula. Unless it's sort of the if you run out of ideas, or if you're not comfortable with using mind maps just yet, even though it's really, really easy. So a system allows you a system like this allows you to create unique, unique and diverse ideas for your names, while a formula just makes the naming process really artificials.
This is much more organized, and I'm showing this on a computer but I usually do this on a piece of paper and in the real life case studies I will show you exactly how I came up with the names on a piece of paper. So thanks for watching this video and we Watch out for the next video where I give you time saving tools. I'll see you in the next one.