So one of the unique aspects of being human is that we're capable of causing stress with our thoughts. We can relive past traumas by thinking of them and drawing them up in imagining them in such detail that as if they're happening in the present moment. And when that happens, we can get stuck in that cycle. So anything coming after that can trigger these stress responses because we're reminded of these past events. Now, for this visualization, we're going to work on minor annoyances. So don't start with something that was severe abuse, or really, we're not talking about really traumatic experiences.
I'd like you to choose something that's maybe just annoying in particular, maybe something in the work experience that's causing you to feel insecure now about your abilities. So when you're ready, go ahead and get comfortable, whether it's sitting in a chair with your feet on the floor, cross legged or lying down. resting your hands either in your lap or at your side in your eyes can be open staring at the images on the screen, or you might choose to close your eyes. And in this visualization exercise, we're going to choose an experience. And we're going to look and see if we could make a different choice and reframe that experience. And we're also going to give whomever was in that experience a chance by looking through their eyes.
And we're going to look at the experience on a larger scale from an outside observer, and just see if we can make sense of it. And then finally, we're going to imagine cutting the cord from that experience, so that we can let it go. So close your eyes or stare at the screen. whatever is comfortable for you. Allow yourself to feel completely supported, either lying down by the earth or feeling supported by your chair Begin by taking a couple of deep inhalation, inhale through the nose. And exhale.
I'm taking just a moment to notice our breath. Not really trying to control or change it in any way. I'd like you to pull up an experience. Every time it comes to mind. It still bothers you. And it could be a work experience where someone, for example, took credit for something that you should have gotten credit for.
Or someone was criticizing you and you thought you did a really good job. Whatever it is. I'd like you to bring that experience up. Now as you call it to mind, you've probably already got something and if you have more than one thing, just pick one. I would say the first thing that came to mind is probably the one that we want to work with. How did you react to that experience?
Did you get angry and lose your temper? Did you run off and cry? Did you sit and stew and just until your body felt all tense? So think about your reaction. Take a moment to scan your body. Where do you feel tension?
What emotions are you feeling? You might notice that your jaw is tends to pure angry, or you might notice that you feel something in your belly. If you're insecure. It's different for everyone. So notice where that emotion is housed and where you're feeling any kind of discomfort. Now, I want you to go back to that situation and consider something.
Was it the best possible reaction and maybe it was, maybe you stated yourself clearly and concisely and did everything the right way. And there isn't a better way. And that's great. However, if you think you could have handled it better, I want you to go back and imagine that reaction as if you'd reacted in a different way. For example, if you received criticism for something until it deeply personal, maybe the person today would look at that and say, you know, that is really helpful criticism, because I'm going to change this product, the service or the way that I'm doing some procedure. And I'm going to make it even better.
So thank you that was helpful. So if there's a better solution, go ahead and take a moment and imagine it now. Before we move on, I want to take a moment to say, not to judge the way you reacted them, because it was the best that you could do given that experience. So we're trying to look at it from a more enlightened perspective. So now go back to that experience and I want you to See it through the other person if there are other people involved or other situations and do you understand why they reacted that way? Whether you agree or disagree?
Do you understand? Perhaps if it was a boss, maybe they were under stress from their supervisor to get something done and they simply took it out on you. Maybe somebody was feeling like they were going to lose their job. So they were taking credit. I'm not saying that these are good things. I'm just saying you're looking at it to try to understand where they're coming from, and kind of sympathize a little bit.
Stick with that for just a moment. Now, finally, imagine that you're distance from this, this happened to somebody else, not you. And you're watching it in front of you, with no judgment on either side of whatever this argument is. Can you look at it from a discerning perspective? So it may be that you are completely justified in your reaction. Or it may be you say, you know what, I could have done this a little differently.
They could have done that a little differently. And really look at it almost as if you're a mediator, figuring out the best possible solution without it being a criticism on anyone. You're looking at it from a higher self. And I'm going to pause while you sit with that for just a moment. Now in order to get past that situation, we've kind of explored it from the different perspectives. And at some point, there has to be a forgiveness or an acceptance, or else it's going to keep coming up for you.
So I want you to go back to where we started. And we think of the emotions that are attached to that event. And I want you to once again, feel where are they manifesting in the body, they might already be lessened at this point. And if there's anything that's still there, I want you to imagine that you're either taking scissors and these cutting these courts, there's courts that are attaching you to the situation. Or you might even think of them as that they're kind of stuck to you and you're just plucking them off. So if you notice that your tension in your jaw, imagine that your pulling those cords and disconnecting them from your jaw or cutting those cords or falling away.
So, systematically go through the body and allow yourself to unplug or disconnect from that experience. Now, I want you to imagine what peace feels like in your body. A sense of tranquility and when you find it take a moment to inhale and draw oxygen in to that space and imagine that it's a bright light. And as you exhale, imagine that it's expanding and spreading through your body. you're inhaling that sense of peace and exhaling, allowing in that light to just grow and fill your body. And finally, it encompasses your whole body and it's just surrounding you as if it were extended a foot out in every direction.
Inhaling a deep sense of peace and exhaling Now once you return to the present moment, you might think of the situation again, hopefully a little lesson a little less severe or not at all. And you can repeat this if you need to. Another helpful tip would be to write these things down and you can do this not just with this experience, but with other experiences as well. And when you're ready, kind of wiggle your fingers and toes, bring yourself back to the present. And then go ahead and open your eyes.