Bonus Lecture - Finding Your Potential

Using Mindfulness in Business and Work Working with Personal Traits that Inhibit Growth
14 minutes
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How do you find your potential and purpose in life? So you're all grown up and used to acting like an adult. However, each of us remains a child inside, in some ways, are yours as a child, especially for the first seven years of our life, we absorb everything people tell us. We are wide open receivers. And if our mother told us and made us believe it, that we were magnificent, we really thought so. Conversely, if a sibling made us feel as though we were repulsive, we would believe that too.

We absorbed our parents views of right and wrong, their political affiliations, their thoughts about a work ethic, and so on. At some point, we began to re examine everything we had been taught, and based on our expanding viewpoint from friends, the family of our friends, society, the media, school, and so on. We also changed the way we thought about ourselves. But if we go back To our childhood and really begin to remember those days where we were more innocent. The majority of us had a dream to be something to be something special, and that something was emotionally connected to our hearts. Many people who work with children will tell you that if you ask children, what they want to be when they grow up, many girls will give you a profession as an answer.

And many boys will give you the answer of a superhero. And most people will say that it's best to guide a little boy away from being a superhero and into a profession. But I don't necessarily agree with that. Look at what a superhero implies. The hero may get to wear a great costume, he may save people, he may get to have the glory of being looked up to. And it's that feeling that emotion of doing something good that can still translate to something we want out of life.

Maybe it's not a practical view, but it still can translate to doing something good for the world. Those that say they cannot remember ever wanting to be something may not have had enough time to just dream or imagine, or they may have had a dose of some unwanted reality at a young age. For example, someone who lost a parent or who had a critically ill parent, while growing up may not have had the time to dream about a different life because reality was tough. However, we can still go back and try to recreate some things that might get us in touch with our dreams, and what is truly our potential. But first, let's play a little game. Let's look at the signs of the zodiac.

Most people know that there are 12 signs of the zodiac and most people know what their sign is. A lot of people enjoy reading a daily horoscope just for fun. And so let's keep it on that level right now. And just think about this as a way that it might provide a small clue as to who we are And what we can do is look at the terms associated with each sign and decide, Is that me? Is that a part of me? Is there anything of that in me?

Or do we reject it? Or do we say we don't want to be that? So let's just see what happens here. So the first sign that we're going to talk about is Capricorn. That is December 22, to January 19. Capricorns are determined, persevering and practical.

If you want to get something done, ask a Capricorn. They can also be a workhorse and sometimes can get involved in drudgery. Aquarius is January 20, through February 18. They're knowledgeable, serious, insightful, and known as being a humanitarian. The next sign is February 19. to march 20 Pisces. They're known for imagination, sometimes being reactive, and sometimes more indecisive, but there's a depth to a Pisces.

Aries is March 21 to April 19. They're active, determined, effective in ambitious. A Taurus April 20 to may 20, is about security. They have a subtle strength. They're a very grounded person. And they have a lot of patience.

A Gemini is known as the twin, almost to have many different characteristics about them. They're about communication. They're changeable, they're inquisitive, but they can also be indecisive. Cancer is June 21 to July 22. Cancer is more emotional, more about feeling they can be intense, impulsive and selective. A Leo is July 23 to August 22.

A Leo is generous. Faithful and also has a kingly quality about them. Virgo is August 23 to September 22. They're very practical, reflective and thoughtful. Libra is September 23 to October 22. a Libra is all about balance, justice, truth and beauty. A Scorpio October 23 to November 21.

They are transient, self willed, purposeful, and they can often be unyielding. A Sagittarius November 22 through December 21 is very experimental. They can be optimistic and philosophical. So did any of those traits sound like you? Did you relate to any of them? Did you feel that you definitely have those traits inside you?

But now let's look at another way called numerology. Now, just remember, we're just playing around here, we're not making any judgments. We're not saying this is the way you have to be. We're just trying on these traits to try and figure out if they fit you or not just to give you a clue. So just be open to the idea and see if they provide any clues as to what your potential is. So for numerology, we're also going to use your birthdate and we're going to find a single number.

For example, if you were born on June 27 1967, then you would add six for June because June is the sixth month, plus two plus seven, plus one plus nine plus six plus seven equals 38. Now we want to reduce that to a single digit, and so we add the three plus the eight and we get And 11, we still want to reduce that down to a single digit. So we add one plus one and get two. So everybody can do that for their birthdate. And we're going to talk a little bit about some terms associated with each of these numbers. So if that single digit came down to the number one, you might be goal oriented, and like to invent things, if it came down to number two, you might be friendly, everybody's confident, and a natural counselor.

A number three, is known as the social butterfly and loves to be on stage. And number four is a hard worker, a teacher, and likes to heal people in some way. Number five is an adventure and needs multiple tests to keep them happy. Number six, values the home and the hearth. They love a beautiful home and they're very family oriented. Number seven is known as the spiritual guru.

More of a loner, even if they're very social, but they still have a part of themselves, they keep very to themselves. Number eight is a business person, a money manager, somebody who should be in the corporate or business world. Number nine is a person that is interested in bettering the world. They're the type of person that would enjoy being in an educational institution or a nonprofit. So did any of these terms sound like you? If so, good.

If not, then let's keep going. So now we're going to do a little meditation. I want everybody to just get into a relaxed position, very comfortable. If possible, still keep your feet on the floor and sit with your backup straight. lean your head so what's comfortable and just start to take a few deep breaths in and out in and out, in and out. And now I want you to imagine that you're just becoming very, very relaxed all over your body and just let almost like a wave a relaxation, start at the top of your head, traveled down your head to your neck, down your spine all the way to your hips, down your hips, through your thighs, through your caps, and through your feet.

And as you relax now, I want you just to imagine that you are standing in front of a door and you know, behind the store what exists, but you're not going to go there yet. Right now you know that there is a hallway behind it. And then this hallway is Multiple doors. And these doors represent each year of your life. So for example, if you're 27 years old, there will be 27 doors. And each one of the doors will have a number on it for each year of your life.

Now, before you open the main door to go into this hallway, I want you to know that we're going to go to the door that has something to tell you about your potential and your dreams about your life. It's going to be some event, something that triggers your memory that makes you remember something about oh, I really did want to be a doctor when I was a kid, or no, I just loved to play piano and I wish I would have been a musician and played concertos around the world. So each of these things You discover are going to be another clue as to what you really should be looking at in your life. And this doesn't mean that you need a radical change, it just means recovering a little piece of the dream. And so that this little piece of the dream can help you integrate it into your life now, so that you have a more fulfilled life.

And hopefully, we'll find a way to integrate that also into your current career, or business environment or the way you earn your money. So now, as you're relaxed again, let's take two more deep breaths, in and out, in and out, and we're going to very slowly open the door and we're going to move down the hallway, taking one step at a time, very slowly and then when we Get to the door that we know has a message for us. We're going to open the door, walk through the doors threshold, and we're going to see, do we have a memory? Do we see something? Do we feel something? Do we hear something?

Do we know something? Is there a message for us there? So let's take a moment and all walk down our hallways. Now if you haven't had enough time, you can also go back and do this on your own time and use the intention that you're going to have some kind of memory triggered before you go down this hallway. But perhaps you saw yourself at a birthday party, and perhaps you received a book that changed your life. Perhaps you were somewhere else.

In an event, and you saw somebody perform, or perhaps a teacher told you about somebody who did something wonderful with their lives, and you immediately thought, I want to do that, I want to be that. So I just want you now to just think about those memories, anything that was triggered here and look at that, as what it can tell you about your real pure potential as to who you are, because children often know, they often have the most purest intentions of being who they truly are and integrating their talents, their knowledge, their intelligence, their emotions, everything. So look at that, and see who you think you should have been, and where you can go with this. Not saying here that you need to do some kind of radical change, but it might give you a clue. As what direction you need to take in your business and in your career

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