Hey guys, Max Jacobs here and welcome to the elevator pitch worksheet video. So I'm gonna, I'm gonna take you through this worksheet show you how to fill it out. But before we do, let's go through the purpose. So the purpose of this worksheet is pretty simple. It is to develop a clear and succinct value proposition so that you're always ready to give your elevator pitch. So when someone asks you the question, what do you do?
You're going to have this value proposition. This is what you're going to tell people. If you're not sure what an elevator pitches, it's the pitch you would give to that one person. If you're stuck in an elevator and you had, I don't know you had say 10 to 15 seconds to give a pitch on an idea that could make you an overnight success if you impress them or not. So that's what an elevator pitches. So let's go through it.
So the first part of an elevator pitch. You want to ask the question, Who do you help? So who is it that you help? So for me as you can imagine, aspiring entrepreneurs What is your huge promise, as opposed to have a huge promise? Otherwise, your elevator pitch will just mean nothing or just be like someone just talking about something normal. You want to you want to, you want to sound impressive.
So what is your huge promise? So for me it's launch your dream business. And what is your product or service? So, for me, it's a service of developing a bullet proof mindset. So it's like there's a bit more isn't uncensor Who do you help so we help or I help aspiring entrepreneurs launch their dream business. By developing a bulletproof mindset, you in the value proposition down here, you pretty much add them all together.
So Add Who do you help? So we help aspiring entrepreneurs to what is your huge promise launch the dream business faster three, what is your product or service by developing a bulletproof mindset? Pretty straightforward, isn't it? So I hope you enjoyed this video and I look forward to seeing you in the next one.