Hey guys, Max Jacobs here and welcome to the deep and meaningful worksheet. So the purpose of this worksheet is, is pretty straightforward is to understand your target audience's biggest problems and greatest desires, you want to understand what motivates them, you want to understand them better than you understand yourself. So, again, we're going to go through their biggest, biggest problems and greatest desires. So to start off with, and I go through what I think the biggest problems for aspiring entrepreneurs are. So again, when I when I do these things, I always think back to when I was an aspiring entrepreneur, and when I was, you know, facing a lot of problems, so. And I also suggest that your target audience is you back in the day back in the day when you had a lot of problems.
Now you've solved those problems. Now you want to help other people solve the same problems. So biggest problems so there's no certainty and there's no clear direction and of course, it's a big Feat. Fire, fear of a lot of things just not working yet. So let's get into gratis desire. So, again, I've only done a few things IE I've done the short term problems problems right now, and sort of long term problems.
But again, I want you to be much more data as I've always room here. To fill out surveys as data is possible brainstorm until you literally can't think of anything more. And so let's get into the greatest desire section. So you want to understand what the number one thing your target audience want right now list everything they want now and what they want the next five to 10 years. So again, we're going short term what they want right now in long term. So our greatest desire, I'll be that you just want that first step.
You are what some guidance on a launch your dream business and of course, run and grow your dream business. Pretty straightforward. So you can see here I've got short term wants and long term one. Again, that's pretty straightforward. So that's pretty much it for this video. I look forward to seeing you in the next one.