Now don t and breathing face you're handsome, you have two men. For men, the left hands below the navel. The right hand is a ball. For women, the right hands below the navel and the left hands on top. focus your mind on your breath. Relax.
As you will hear, feel the lower abdomen expanding. As you exhale, feel that contracting. continue watching it. Inhaling slowly expand. As you exhale, slowly, you feel a contract. After a few breaths, you will notice your done tn is getting you can also feel the warmth in your hands.
Now focus your mind and visualize a golden ball of energy in your dungeon. Visualize the sun continue focusing and feel the heat getting hot in your county with each breath See this growing golden light getting brighter and brighter and feel the heat to warm fire energy in your DanTDM continue practicing for at least five minutes 10 minutes would be ideal and you will notice a great difference can your feelings apply this practice in your daily activities and become mindful of the fire energy you Young the golden life. With each breath you take, there is ci and with the focus of your mind, you can cultivate ci and stored energy in your time to continue watching and controlling your breath. slowly and deeply in and out your nose. Learn to smile with each exhaling breath. Relax.
Breathe slowly and deeply. concentrate your mind Your ci