Adaptability is your capacity to respond to a changing environment or circumstances in a way that meets a desired outcome. It is your ability to be flexible and adapt to change. adaptability allows you to utilize your resources in different ways as each new challenge presents itself. being adaptable incorporates both your readiness and the resources necessary to respond to change. In other words, being willing and able to change. veterinary medicine is an ever changing field.
There are thousands of research studies being conducted in this field alone, which means better care for your patients, but also the need to adapt to these new techniques. being adaptable will allow you to change the way you present new information to clients. For example, grain free diets have become the latest fad in the nutrition industry and clients are seeing it everywhere. But recently a study has shown that in some canine breeds, grain free diets have been known to cause certain heart diseases. When you're taking the patient's history prior to the exam, and the client tells you their golden retriever is on a grain free diet. You'll need to be able to remember this information and have your veterinarian go over this new finding with your client.