Section 7 - 3 - Future Employment Opportunities And Example

How to Stay Employed in the Robotic Future Section 7 - Future Self Driving Cars And TaaS Employment Opportunities
17 minutes
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All right. So as stated, when fully autonomous cars do finally roll out, it's going to affect a huge amount of industry. So everything from car parks as we discuss all the way up to completely different industries, you know, something like agriculture or farming, they use a lot of tractors and all that sort of stuff. If you've got self driving technology, it's very likely that'll be applied to tractors as well. And, you know, as a farmer, you might be able to press a few buttons and have that tractor just go out and do its thing all on its own without you actually having to do anything. So perhaps you'll require less employees at your farm.

Or maybe we'll just make your life a bit easier. So lots of different you know, effects as well as ripple on effects. Anyone who actually makes cars if you're making cars and selling them to people individually Obviously, that's going to be a huge shift when everyone starts taking on transport as a service doesn't own their own individual car. And instead, for instance, rent Ubers, you know, they've actually done modeling and expect that they can reduce the number of cars on the road by upwards of 80%. So 80% less cars, if they're autonomously driving around, taking everyone from point A to point B, instead of 100% of cars, where everyone owns their own individual car, or perhaps even two or three cars. So, you know, stuff like that not only affects, you know, how much the burden might get damaged all the way back to the actual manufacturers where, you know, they may now have lost 80% of their revenue essentially, because they're making 80% less car so lots of wide effecting change is coming.

However, just like with anything, there will be other companies that will be growing immensely. So your waymo your Tesla, your you know, Uber and Lyft If, and you know, maybe even the Ford or GM, if they get their technology going out, they will grow immensely over the next 10 years with the rollout of this new technology and all the changes that have bring. So some of the positions that they might actually require or other self driving cars or the general industry of self driving cars in itself might offer things like programs, obviously, to not only originally program the self driving cars, but also maintain them as well do security updates, those sorts of things, I will need a lot of people that have a good expertise in programming. They will likely need fleet managers for all the cars, you know, you've got 20,000 Ubers driving around or something like that you're going to need people to manage those cars.

There's also customer service people so if you're providing a transport as a service, you know, you're gonna have people who call up and chase off about payments and all that sort of stuff. So customer service people You will, of course, need managers to oversee all these projects will need, you know, project managers to originally roll them out and keep updating things just like regular companies have now, you also need mechanics to you know, do repairs on those fleets of cars, no doubt. And you'll need definitely the 24 seven monitoring, you know, environment that technicians that will be monitoring these cars as they're driving around for errors or glitches and, you know, perhaps instruct them to come back to base and all that sort of stuff. You also need property managers, which is a bit of a different one. But when you think about it, you know, these cars have to come back to somewhere they have to be fixed somewhere, they have to be recharged somewhere.

So that requires most likely a lot of property when you're talking about 10s of thousands of cars. And now the property managers for that as well. And last but not least, you'll also need a lot of electrical engineers to handle the charging systems and infrastructure. So you know whether this is an autonomy The charging system where they just come back and there's, you know, wireless charging pad, they go over and they automatically start charging or whether it's someone manually plugging them in, you're still going to need electrical engineers to build and maintain and manage the electrical infrastructure that actually provides that electricity because it's going to be a huge amount of electricity. So on top of these jobs that I've just mentioned, there's also many other sort of sub industries that will also be affected that should also gain a lot of momentum and increase over the years with the rollout of both electrical cars and self driving cars.

So things like actual road maintenance, you know, currently, obviously, roads do get maintained by lots of human beings and machines and all that sort of stuff. I would expect this to increase because as autonomous cars come out, one of the main things that they rely on signs and road markings and all this sort of stuff, so it'll be progressively more and more important than that. Signs and those road markings are kept up to scratch that they, you know, nice and new and pristine and clean so that the cameras on the cars can read them, you know, correctly every single time and improve safety. You also get other things like the electrical, you know, infrastructure throughout a city or even a country might have to improve, you know, this is from both sides of the equation. So, the actual generating capacity of it, perhaps now, we need more, you know, distributed electrification for charging all these electric cars that get rolled out, but they also need more infrastructure inside the city as well.

You know, things like actual charges for the cars for people who will still be owning their own personal cars, I'm sure there'll be a lot of people that, you know, they might have cars that still drive them around autonomously, but they might own their own cars, because for whatever reason, they don't want to just have transport as a service. So lots of different industries that still have, you know, effect and you know, even though this new technology will disrupt a lot of other things. It will also push up a number of other industries. One final other industry that's, you know, not immediately obvious to most people, when you think about rolling out autonomous cars is actually the telecommunication side of things. So, a lot of the time, virtually every single autonomous car is also connected to the internet, whether it's by 4g, or perhaps in the future 5g, it's basically an assumed constant that if it is a fully autonomous car, that it has that internet connection, so, you know, currently, telecommunications is always going up, there's always more computers more, you know, watches and phones and all this sort of stuff that's, you know, always getting released and requiring internet.

But with cars, it'll take it even to a bigger next level. And not just that you'll have cars driving around everywhere. So there'll be a lot more mobile than, you know what a lot of other telco infrastructure computers might actually use the internet would be. So you've got this huge increase in the number of actual cars that will have internet connections, which means I'll have to roll that more base stations to actually accommodate those cars. The other quite different thing about cars is that they're generally seen as critical infrastructure, there are a lot more important if it's sending and receiving data than maybe you surfing Facebook, on your phone or something like that, that, you know, actual internet connectivity is seen as a lower priority, it can take you know, a couple of extra milliseconds to give you your image of a cat or whatever it is you're watching.

Whereas the cars a bit more important, you know, it's like a phone call that needs to be done in real time. It's more critical service. So along with that, along with, you know, their rollout of 5g, I can only see the telco industry going up and really benefiting from the rollout of autonomous cars and more internet connected cars as well. And one final set of options. Unity, it's not so much an employment opportunity. But at the end of the day, most people want employment to make money.

And that's what this could potentially do. So you may not have heard about it. But in one of these master plans that Elon Musk has written about, for Tesla, the company, he has a particular goal that, you know, for people that own Tesla's and have who have purchased the fully self driving sort of package so that one day eventually, when all Tesla's are fully self driving, that you'll be able to pull out your, you know, phone Pepsi drive to work, park the car, or hop out of the car, going to work, pull out the app, and basically give it permission to go around and drive other people around and actually generate income for you while you're at work, maybe while you're at home, sleeping, whatever it might be. So that's a potential other sort of income of money that is made possible by self driving cars and so you might have your Job x.

And that might not change when autonomous cars come out, perhaps it's not affected by it at all, which is fantastic. But it's another potential income source that you might actually be able to make use of. So there's something a bit different, but I hope you can see, there's still a lot of potential employment opportunities for, you know, the autonomous driving industry. So now let's go through a nother live example of how to, you know, use the strategy that I've discussed before. And this time, we're looking at someone who is say, an electrical engineer working at one of the major auto manufacturing companies, you know, your Ford, GM, whatever it might be. Now, this person is obviously an electrical engineer, so they're working on electrical systems, you know, things like the 12 volt battery, the wiring and all that sort of stuff, how that's all integrated with the car and they've been working there for say, you know, 10 years.

Now, in part one, now, I want to be very aware of of things like autonomous cars and those sorts of technologies because it's such a, you know, huge potential impact on the industry and their job. But in this particular case, he's also paying attention to something like the electrification of cars, you know, going from petrol and diesel engines to, you know, fully battery electric vehicles. So, in part two, he's done all this research already. For part one, he's been constantly reading up about it. He's particularly concerned about the fact that, you know, he sees the industry moving towards battery electric vehicles bought his particular employee, the businesses with at the moment, doesn't really take them seriously. They they do have plans, but you know, they're 1020 years in the future.

They don't think it's a particularly big threat or anything. He obviously sees it as a big, big threat though. So although he's sort of read about this and is aware of it, he's also Whether it is going to take a number of years, you know, changes in automotive industry do not happen overnight. But, you know, eventually it will happen and he's not satisfied with, you know, sitting idly by in a large company, while they essentially get, you know, made redundant as the future slowly approaches. So, another particular part about this example, say that this person has always kind of, you know, wanted to work in a bit more startup style natured company, now, he's been working at this big tire manufacturing company for you know, 10 years, he's, he's done the big company thing he wants to try and, you know, see how the startup style thing, you know, bit more exciting nature of that sort of stuff.

So, that's one of his personal requirements. You know, he's, obviously it needs to be something centered around electrical engineering, but his personal preference is to go to a more small company, not stay at that big company. So that's, again, sort of marrying those two things. Where the new technology is going and your own personal interests to get a really good outcome. So, as a result, he goes and starts searching for potential companies. So being the electrical engineer, he looks into things like the actual charging infrastructure.

So whether that's someone like Uber who is about to deploy a huge fleet of electric cars and needs to build and maintain that electric, you know, charging infrastructure, or whether it's a more, you know, current company, as opposed to a future opportunity, a more current company, which is something like people, you know, building and deploying car charges for people who have electric cars. So these are the sorts of things that he's investigating. He sort of trying to narrow in on, you know, potential companies that are doing this that meet his criteria or thing that it's smaller than a, you know, a huge car company, but are also focused on that, you know, fully electric car future that he says is, you know, essentially the end point of this Technology shifts, you know, while his company doesn't particularly believe that it's going to happen, he's seen all these examples he's seen, you know, countries declare that they're going to be banning diesel cars at a certain particular point.

So he knows that, you know, this car companies views obviously not gonna carry on forever, at some point, they're going to start losing it to their competitors, just simply because they can't pivot quickly enough. So in part three, he goes out, he tries to, you know, interview and get these jobs that he's wanting to get. He obviously knows a lot about the technology itself, so he doesn't have to do too much of the studying or online learning that sort of stuff. It's very, you know, applicable to go from, you know, petrol cars that use electrical system to, you know, actual fully electric cars that still use the electrical system, obviously, you know, he might do some small classes or some small reading up in what the differences is, but his Got that main underlying technology and experience under his belt already. So he mainly focuses on, you know, going to those interviews trying to find those companies.

And while he can't find all electric car building company, he can does come across a company that actually builds and deploys electric charges. And, you know, eventually he moves into a job where he's, you know, maybe he's designing the next generation of electric charges for that electric, you know, charging company and start settling into his new role as still an electrical engineer. But now in a slightly different companies, it's more poised to take off as this transition to electric cars come about. So in part four, is obviously still employed after a few years in this company. It's been going great, although it's not explicitly to do with self driving cars. Obviously, as I said, the vast majority of self driving cars are electric.

So as the number increases So does you know the available business for this company with charges to increase, they start getting into partnerships with the bigger self driving companies and deploying their charging infrastructure for their autonomous driving fleets. And it's just generally speaking, a much better company that's, you know, obviously, going up and up and up as self driving cars and electric cars get rolled out even more. Meanwhile, his old company is, you know, that finally has started to come around to the fact that, you know, electric cars are the future and they're wanting to actually get into that industry. But because they've essentially missed the boat by five or more years, or their competitors already have, you know, one or two early models out and they basically hadn't even started so they're not going to crash hot. Again, being an electrical engineer, you might be able to bring across other people, some of your other buddies who might have been made redundant at that point.

It's, you know, up to him. But the point is he ends up in a stable job, he again had that smooth transition when he wanted to is, is sort of request into a company that he was interested in. And it's technology that, you know, suits his actual skill set. And it is a company that you know, grows with this new disruptive technology of self driving cars. It's not a company that declines with it. So a much, much better result to this person.

So once again, in this example, you can see that, you know, even with absolutely huge the disruptive technologies like self driving cars and transport as a service, there's still jobs available. You know, these new companies still require people that are skilled in those, you know, underlying base technologies like electricity, electricity and electrical engineering, and they absolutely love to have people who are you know, veterans of the industry, coming on board with their new company. Or the new technology and giving them that experience and helping them to develop. So this is a case for when you've got, you know, 10 years of experience being an electrical engineer, but you know, what happens if it's an entirely new industry that's doing this disruptive? You know, say it's something like drones, you know, there's no sort of precedents. No one's been a drone engineer for 20 years already, or something like that.

It's only been around for five or so. So what do you do in that sort of scenario? Well, we'll be covering that industry in the next section. And I'll give you a example. Again, and on a lot of example, how to run through that strategy. And it actually works out very, very well because it is actually a new industry.

So you can hear about it then in the next section, and I'll talk to you then

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