Section 10 - 1 - Nanotechnology

How to Stay Employed in the Robotic Future Section 10 - Bonus Content - More Fast Growing Industries Of The Future
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All right, so welcome to this bonus section, where we have a lot of bonus content on industries that aren't, as I said, as you know, fully rolled out and diverse as current ones like renewable energy, but it's still exceptionally important for the future. And our first one is nanotechnology. So a lot of people don't know too much about nanotechnology. But nanotechnology refers to basically any technology that's obviously on the nano scale. Now, to get a sort of conceptual idea of how big nanometers ox it's very difficult again, for a lot of people, a sheet of paper, like the thickness of a piece of paper, is roughly about 100,000 nanometers thick. So you know, a lot and to get into more single digit numbers, you know, human DNA is roughly about 2.5 nanometers thick as well.

So You know, the the level that we're talking about the size that we're talking about here is exceptionally small. So, nanometers and you know, nanotechnology is actually so small, we're down at the scale where, you know, about medium to large molecules, so not individual atoms, but actual groups of atoms or molecules of atoms, and the sort of medium to large sized one. So that's the sort of scale that we're talking about and when you get down to that size level, because it is absolutely so small, the sort of classic physics model kind of starts to break down in a lot of situations and you know, you get these very, very strange properties of materials coming out and they can actually be very, very useful for a number of different applications. So things like superconductivity or super hydrophobic, where you know, these actual materials will be conduct electricity very, very, very well much better than something like copper wood, or they'll be hydrophobic or super hydrophobic, which is where they repel water.

Water very well. So you get these, you know, absolutely waterproof coatings that they can put on things due to these materials. And obviously, these types of properties, you also get things like, you know, very, very strong and light materials, they all really, really good types of properties that a lot of different industries want to actually use from, you know, airplanes to computers to, you know, perhaps clothing or everything, you know, in between, it's a very, very popular market. Now, nanotechnology itself has been sort of bubbling away in the background, so you know, a few decades, and it will continue to do this. It's still very much, you know, research and development in the lab, but there are starting to be some actual products that are sort of actually leaking out and you know, that you can, as a consumer, go and actually buy and some of these examples are still you know, in trials, there's been ones that have a small patch that you can actually, you know, put on your fat wherever might be, and it will actually melt away your fat using this nano material and nanotechnology.

There's other ones that you know, I've seen actual heatsink. So with CPUs that obviously get very hot while they're actually running, you need thermal paste usually in between the CPU and a heatsink, which helps to cool it down. Now this thermal paste has to be very, very good at conducting heat. So it can transfer the heat from the CPU to the heatsink, where it can actually dissipate all the heat properly, and thus cooler down. Now nanomaterials and things like graphene have been used and you can actually go out and buy those products and actually use that instead of the thermal paste because it's a lot better, it's more durable. it conducts heat a lot better and is just, you know, easier to apply because it's a physical strip that you just plunk on top of it and you're done.

Whereas a paste you have to squeeze on and sort of you know, mush around and maybe it's too thick or too thick. And that affects things it's not as simple to apply as just putting, you know, what is essentially kind of like a piece of paper or, you know, piece of tin or something over the top of your CPU. So, these are very, very new and you know, fantastic technologies, nanomaterials themselves, because they are, you know, so unique and have such fantastic properties, once they finally do breach that, you know, void between sort of the research labs and a consumer product that you can go and buy, yet sometimes talking about some very substantial leaps in technology. So it, you know, is still happening in the background, but it's good to be aware of what is actually happening because when it does come out, it will be you know, quite a significant leap in technology.

Now, another part of nanotechnology is what they call, you know, nano robotics or molecular assembly as well. These are sort of two different sort of technology types that I must admit are a bit further In the future, then you know, something like graphene or whatever that's been very well developed even now. But the potential for these things is absolutely huge. So nano robotics is obviously, robotics, but at the nano scale, so tiny, tiny little robots that turn, you know, go and manipulate molecules, or DNA or other things like that. So, if we were to successfully be able to build these at scale, and you know, relatively cheaply, they could do such things as repair your DNA on the fly and essentially make you live a lot longer and you know, with much better health as well, it would also sort of translate to being able to make things a lot more dense.

So something like again, like computer CPU, that will be out to be made upwards of 1000 times faster, and you know, a lot more energy efficient because it can be packed into a lot more space with new materials and new technology. It's just, you know, you're talking about an absolutely huge You know, 1000 fold increase in something like computational power is, you know, huge if it was made in one particular step. And so these are the sorts of potentials that come out of nanotechnology. And whilst they are still in the future, and it's, you know, waiting around for it a bit longer, when they do actually come out, it will be very, very significant molecular assembly is another really, really huge thing that is even sort of further into the future. And that's where we actually build anything, everything from atoms up. So rather than, you know, getting a piece of wood and chipping away at it too, you get, you know, horse or whatever it is that you're building, you actually build the horse, atom by atom, molecule by molecule up until you actually have that horse.

And, you know, if you have this sort of level of technology, it would essentially just turn the entire world on its head because you could build anything from the ground up kind of like 3d printing, but a lot more precise with you know, atomic precision, that opens a whole new sort of can of worms basically, and would be a ridiculously huge evolution, it would change almost everything about the world. So these things are hopefully coming in the future, when is a lot more uncertain than something like cybersecurity or drones or something like that, which were a lot more concrete. And today, even though they are still a bit future technologies, but nanotechnology is certainly a huge, huge industry that I would expect to grow over the next sort of 10 to 20 years. Now, obviously, as these technologies are a bit more future orientated, you know, you're not going to be able to go out and get a job as a, you know, whatever it might be to do with nanotechnology.

You're not going to be installing nanotechnology anytime soon. But there's still a lot of jobs especially in the r&d and research labs and that sort of stuff. So you're more science oriented, you can certainly look into that field. It is a huge, hugely important field. The other side of it is Some of those products, as I said, are starting to sort of leak out. So if you are very interested in that field, you can look at jobs in those sort of limited companies for now, but I would expect the number of companies to grow.

I mean, for the moment, a lot of the nanomaterial research and development and products that are coming out are things that use stuff like graphing, you know, you've got your Zai VIXX, I believe it's called as an example, they currently produce a carbon nanotube fused epoxy adhesive, and this epoxy is like a bonding material that bonds together stronger than actual welding. And so you've got something, you know, that is essentially like a glue gun, but can weld stuff together. So that's kind of the importance of nanotechnology and how much of a difference that it can make. Now, up next, in the next part of the section, we're going to be covering a bit more exciting industry in terms of that it's actually happening now which is genetics. And we'll go over a particular interesting, particularly interesting point that actually developed in the past few years that has totally changed the entire industry.

So I'll talk to you then.

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