Alrighty, so now we're into the first part of explaining this strategy. And in part one, you're employed in your current company or business, then you're employed with many other employees that are sitting next to you or around you. And, you know, everything has done quite well. There's no disruptions happening at the moment. There's no technology that you know, stealing all your businesses, money and infrastructure and all that sort of stuff. There's no disruption or anything that's out of the ordinary, it's business as usual.
And if you're in this sort of situation where you're sitting in a business, that's happily chugging along, chugging along, then you're in part one of this strategy, as you can see here. Now, even though everything might seem fine right now Know, you need to make sure that you're really aware of what's happening and the rapidly changing technologies out there, because otherwise you will get blindsided. Now, just so this strategy is nice and clear from stop. The top part here represents your current business with you and your other employees working there together. As I said before, the bottom part here represents what you'll be doing in each of the sections, such as in this one, which we'll be studying. So the other part of it is over here, where you'll be moving into a new company, which is represented by the rocket ship.
Now, I can say that you might get blindsided by new technology, and it sounds pretty obvious, but these technologies aren't so easy to see if you don't have hindsight. Now, hindsight isn't the only thing that can cause trouble. Sometimes a technology might be really obvious that it's, you know, an important thing like self driving cars. I think everyone would agree that it's a very important technology. And if someone invented it would be huge, there's no doubt about that. What is a bit more questionable is when it will be developed, you know, will it be in a year will it be in 10 years, or perhaps never, no one really knows.
Now, if the changes are mostly going to be done in software as opposed to hardware, then obviously it will be rolled out a lot quicker, you know, software can be pushed to literally billions of devices and billions of people, you know, overnight. Hardware takes, obviously a lot more time to sort of rollout. But again, in my previous examples, this can be a pretty short amount of time when we're talking about an entire industry or an entire business having to shift you know, all of what it's doing into a completely different direction. You know, something like the digital camera or the mobile phone, these were obviously hardware rollout. It had to happen in the real world, not just software. But you know, it was still far too quick.
For some companies, they couldn't pivot quickly enough in time, even though it was hardware. And regardless of you know, whether it is a software or a hardware or how quickly or whether or not it's important for these technology and changes, one of the biggest things is that there's so many of them out there, and it's just very difficult to tell which one is important and which ones not. So, for instance, if you're in finance, and you've been hearing a lot about cryptocurrencies, and some people are saying they're very important some people calling it just a fad, you know, which one should you go with, you know, how do you know which sort of camp to go in, and that's what this section is really about. Now, obviously, one person can't be fully aware of everything that's happening in the entire world or And potentially their entire industry.
There's just too much stuff out there. But one thing that really helps with this is obviously reading up and learning about these new technologies. So if you've just heard about cryptocurrency, but you don't really understand what it is or how it works or why it's important, you're obviously not in a very good position to kind of determine whether it's just a fad or whether it's something that's really serious. And you need to concentrate on assuming again that you're in finance. So one of the first steps is to actually learn about the technology and start reading up about it. Once you then understand the technology, you can continue to, you know, stay abreast of the actual topic and continue reading and learning about the new developments that come out every day.
One of the best ways to do this is with a service called Feedly. Now Feedly makes use of RSS readers. And that's a completely free service that aggregates all the news stories or blog posts, and so on. And what you can then do is read them all in one place nice and quickly. And it's not the only service that does this type of function. You could use something like Twitter or Facebook or others.
But the idea is essentially the same. you subscribe to or you follow a number of good thought leaders in that space. Perhaps it's someone working at Uber if you're trying to follow self driving cars or maybe it's a niche news site that literally only focuses on and talks about self driving cars or maybe it's a you know, wider general tech blog that actually just covers it quite in depth as one of its major topics. Whatever you know, source you choose from. The result is that each day or each week, you have a bunch of stories and news pieces that solely to do with this particular topic. In this instance, self driving cars tells you the current state of it, the latest developments in it, the you know, just everything that you need to know to assess how close this technology might be to replacing you or possibly disrupting your industry.
Now, what I also highly recommend is the location from where you get these sources from. So if you're following things you need to obviously find places or things to follow. A lot of people default just to the usual major news sources, you know, something major, like CNN or something, for instance, I would really advise against this not because I have anything against CNN or anything like that, but just simply because when it comes to new technologies, often they can be caught quite complicated. You know, something like self driving cars and the machine learning algorithms and the math behind it is quite, quite complicated. And for someone who is essentially their job as a journalist, you know, they're not connected. Due to scientists or you know, Ai, neural net master or something like that, obviously, they're not really gonna fundamentally understand the technology.
And as such, when they as well as the editors as well start, you know, formulating their pieces and editing their pieces, they either completely miss a huge important part of it, or they just completely get them wrong because they don't understand the technology. The other reason behind this is that major news sources try and focus on a lot of things in very broad, you know, terms, they might do one piece on self driving cars, you know, every three or four months or something like that. Whereas a niche blog or thought leader or someone who even works at, say, Uber or Tesla or something like that, who is literally on the team building, the technology will be tweeting about it every day posting about it every week, or whatever it might be. And you get these updates in much more real time and can see developments and get sort of first hand knowledge of it.
Try and always source your sources from the, you know, the mouth of the person who's talking or whatever that might be. It might be a news article from someone interviewing, you know, the head of Tesla neural net self driving division, or it might be a research paper that you're literally reading the paper or a news article about the paper, you're actually reading the the new the scientific paper itself, getting right to the heart of the matter, and really understanding the technology and where it's going and getting the most up to date, you know, and realistic versions of what the technology is. After you found a number of these sources, what you'll most likely find and as you listen to them and read about them and continue to follow them, you'll often find that they will introduce you to other new related topics. That might be to do with your field here.
And maybe it's more, you know, neural nets in general, as opposed to just specifically neural nets that are used to produce self driving cars, whatever it might be. This will also help you to sort of get a broader overview of other things that you totally might not have been aware of that could actually end up affecting your job or your business that helps sort of broaden your horizons and learn about things that you otherwise just wouldn't even have known to investigate in the first place. If this new technology or the one that they're teaching you about seems relevant, you might create a new folder and then add even more sort of thought leaders or, you know, niche blogs or YouTubers that you know, specifically talk about that new particular topic to that new folder. And eventually, after a while, you'll end up with multiple folders from multiple different sort of technologies or subjects that maybe they just interest you.
Maybe they're permanent to your specific industry, or maybe the you know, really relevant to your explicit job that you're doing. And you want to follow all these sorts of topics and technologies to know, where are they going? Are they reaching that critical point where it starts to become, you know, a serious threat to your job? Or are they just something that's not really very serious, and you can just ignore them as a fad and maybe continue to read up about them because you're interested in them. Once again, though, even if you're reading up about all these new technologies, and maybe you've been reading up about it for a few months, and now you fully understand all the information in the basic math and neural nets about self driving cars or whatever it might be. you fully understand the actual technology, it can still often be hard to tell whether or not it's a serious threat to your business.
But thankfully, you have something that you know, someone else who might be reading the same information doesn't have and that is, hopefully, a very good understand. Anything of your own actual industry and your own job. So someone who isn't a taxi driver will have a very different view of self driving car technology to someone who is a taxi driver. And if they are a taxi driver, they can use that knowledge of the industry to help assess that new technology. You know, I don't personally know much about the taxi industry at all really. And I assume that self driving cars will completely take over from taxis eventually, when they get fully invented and rolled out.
However, if you're a taxi driver, you might know of, Oh, you know, maybe there's some area I envy which, you know, sure, self driving cars can do, but there's also scenario C and D and E where they can't do yet for whatever reason it might be maybe it's, I don't know, helping disabled people around in disabled taxis, whatever it might be. I'm just spinning things off the top of my head here, but my point is, you use your experience of your own industry to help assess that technology like no one else outside of your industry can you've got that 510 20 however many years of experience about all the different parts of your industry, you can help assess whether or not you know, this new technology will actually be as transformational as people assume it will be, you know, if you're a garbage truck driver, and you know that self driving cars are coming.
You know, it's pretty simple to assess that it's gonna be a big impact on your job because obviously, self driving garbage trucks are going to be a hell of a lot cheaper to, you know, maintain and run and do everything for them than having a person sitting in there actually driving themselves. You might know of other things like having a garbage truck is generally on a specific route, which will make it an easier technology to develop then, you know, a general overall self driving technology where you've got to work count for all the streets and all the freeways, garbage trucks generally just go on their own specific route. So all these different types of things that you can take into consideration. And along with that learning that you've been doing about the technology, really get a good assessment going of whether or not this technology will be a direct threat to your job or to your industry.
One final point is to also make sure that while you're assessing the technology don't just think about the initial impacts of it. A lot of people fail to do this, they'll see something again, using self driving just as an example. I'll say that, you know, self driving will replace trucks, truck drivers, you know, they will no longer be needed because a self driving truck will just do their job for them and that's where they'll end their thought process. But there are a lot of other jobs out there that are there simply because there are truck drivers there you know, they stopped to get food they stopped to go to the toilet, all the sorts of jobs, you know, they may still exist, obviously, but they might decrease or get disrupted significantly once those truck drivers disappear. So that's another important thing that you need to take into consideration when doing this type of analysis on these new technologies that come out.
So, to go over and just sort of recap, what you want to do is gather up sources that regularly discuss the latest innovation in your industry. You want to read them regularly to learn about new and upcoming technologies. And then you use that industry knowledge that you personally have to help assess these new technologies and see whether or not they're relevant and find out truly whether they are actually something that can disrupt your industry, or whether they're just a fad that you could probably ignore. And from here, you should be able to sort of narrow in on a subset of really important technologies that, you know, perhaps you start On and Off with 10 of them that could potentially impact your business. But now you're only focusing on to two that maybe, you know, really, really important. And you see a really big risk in terms of whether it can kick you out of a job or really disrupt your whole industry, whatever they might, whatever that might be.
So once you have those two or those couple of points that you've narrowed in on, then we can start to do a bit more investigation which I'll talk about in the next part. So I'll talk to you then.