Manifesting generators are designed to multitask. If you're a manifesting generator, you've probably heard from others before to please just pick one thing and stick with it. This is not correct for the manifesting generators. They are designed to multitask they have several irons in the fire all at once. Now to others it may appear that the manifesting generator is all over the place operating at a warp speed. And sometimes it may even feel like this to the manifesting generator.
That's why it's very important as a manifesting generator that you learn to work from a list since you have several things going on all at once. It's really important that if you want to stay on task, and on topic that you learn to work from a list, it will serve you well because manifesting generators are always working Type asking. They have learned to become great jugglers. Now another thing I'd like you to know about manifesting generators is they have the tendency to skip steps. Now, a lot of times they're going to get away with it because not all of those steps were important or necessary. However, every once in a while that manifester generator is going to realize that they've skipped a step that was very important.
When that happens if you're in the company of a manifesting generator, you might hear a few choice words. Maybe they're gonna say something like, oops, Oh, darn ragga, Fred's or perhaps something a little bit more colorful depending on the manifesting generator. Now, I'd like to entertain you for just a few moments with a story, a story that will exemplify the difference between the generator and the manifesting generator. You might already be familiar with the story about the tortoise and the hare This is the story I'm going to use. As an analogy for the generator and manifesting generator. The generator would be the tortoise slow and steady working at a steady pace methodical the manifesting generator would be the hare.
So if you give the manifesting generator and the generator the same task at the same time provide them with the same resources in the beginning is going to look like the manifesting generator is leading by a longshot they are off and running. And the generator is just plodding along step by step step by step making steady progress. It won't be long before you'll hear the manifesting generators slam on the brakes, mumbled a few choice words perhaps and then turn around and head backwards to correct the steps that they have skipped. In the meantime, the generator just keeps making steady progress step by step in a very methodical type of way. By the time we get to the finish line, the end of the task guess what the generator and manifesting generator will be knows for nose, neck for neck they will finish at approximately the same time.
So the tortoise and the hare exemplifies the difference between the generator and the manifesting generator. finding the correct work is extremely important for both the generator and the manifesting generator as well. How do you know this the correct work is to correct work if your sacral responded positively to it, when the work was offered to you, then the work will be enjoyable and provide you with a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. However, as a generator and manifesting generator, if you feel that you don't feel satisfied and fulfilled by your work, you'll probably have this sense of discontent, this inner knowing that there is something more for you out there elsewhere because both together generator and the manifesting generator have access to this sustainable workforce and lifeforce energy. They are both capable of staying in a job that they don't like for an extended period of time.
This is truly a waste of their sacral energy. If you are a manifesting generator or a generator, I have a question for you. Have you found the correct work? Are you engaged with the correct work, work that makes your heart sing work that brings you joy and pleasure. So at the end of the day, you feel fulfilled by the way you have invested your precious sacral energy. The way to know that you're engaged in the correct work is to check in with your sacral center.
If the work is correct for you, your sacral will support you every step of the way and provide you with the sustainable workforce and lifeforce energy that you need.