Now that you're familiar with the names and the location of each of the energy centers, I'd like to tell you just a little bit more about them. I'd like to talk about the functions of those nine centers. So in Human Design, there are two pressure centers. At the very top of the chart, we have the head center and at the very bottom of the chart, we have the root center. These two centers are pressure centers. The head center is the pressure center to think so pressure to think to try to figure things out, and the root center is the pressure to do to achieve or to accomplish.
There are three awareness centers in Human Design. That would be the spleen Center, the National Center, and the solar plexus center. The spleen center is our Center for physical awareness. Have you ever been in a situation where you get the chills or the hair stands up on the back of your neck? That's your spleen center bringing you into physical awareness. It's saying alert, alert.
Be aware. The aashna Center is the Center for Mental awareness. Have you ever been trying to figure something out or thinking, thinking thinking and it just can't get it and then all of a sudden, just like that, it clicks, you have the light bulb moment. That's the art in the center, bringing you into mental awareness. And then we have the solar plexus center. The Solar Plexus center is the Center for emotional awareness.
Have you ever walked into the room you have no idea what's going on, but you can kind of feel the tension in the air. Or perhaps you've walked into the room, no idea what's going on and you can tell that it's a happy, joyous occasion. That's your solar plexus, bringing you into emotional awareness. There are four motors on your human design chart. They are the Heart Center, also known as the will center, or the eagle center, that's the smallest triangle on your chart, the solar plexus Center, the sacral center, and the root center. So the four motors once again, Heart Center, solar plexus, sacral, and root center.
There's one gearbox on your human design chart. The one gearbox is the throat Center, the Center for communication and manifestation. In human design, the name of the game, so to speak, is to get the energy to the throat center. The throat center acts like the transmission where all the energy from the other centers gets transformed into motion, action and or communication.