Hard Chucks

Wheel-Thrown Pottery II, Intermediate Skill Builders Bottles, Chucks, and Closed Forms with Cut lids
7 minutes
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So now let's go back and visit the bottles that were through yesterday now that they should be set up to about this leather hard state. Now we can talk about trimming them. And obviously with the bottle shaped like this, we can't necessarily just flip it upside down and trim it. So we need to use what's called a chuck. Now there's two different styles of chucks and we'll go over both the first being a hard Chuck which looks something like this, basically this hourglass shaped hollow ring, throw it on the wheel best fire it and here I have a variety of different sizes and this is a good idea to keep a variety of sizes in your studio. And then you can go and find the proper size that's going to work best for the bottle that you just threw.

Ideally, the chuck is going to go over the neck and the lip of the piece and the rest right in here on the shoulders of the chuck sitting in here and we flip it upside down. and trim the piece looks like looking something like this. The bottle should fit in there pretty well. Their lip of the piece is not going beyond the checks I know I can safely flip it upside down without distorting the shape. So now that we've selected the proper size of Chuck to use, we need to secure it to the wheel head. Double check.

Good. Okay, so the first step is to me or to center the chuck up on the wheel. You can do this normal how you normally do it, pretty soon it extending your index finger where attaches give it a slide. Once you've rescinded it, we will secure it down at the clay level. Just as if we were trimming a normal piece of chucks can be or they are more labor intensive than say if we could just flip this upside down and directly trim it because again, we have to center the chuck then we have to center the bottle on top of the chuck so there is more room for air within this because there's just double the steps or process to go through. But as long as you're careful, they can be very handy.

Okay, now that we secured our Chuck onto our bat, swing, take our bottle fairly gently inserted into our truck. So the next step then would be to center the bottle onto our Chuck, focusing just on the base of the piece once again, steaming that index finger Okay, that looks pretty good. Now we can take smaller clay and secure the bottle to the chuck. Now trimming bottles this way and these taller chucks, they are going to be more top heavy. So you do run a little more of a risk of them becoming loose, wiggling themselves out or becoming off center. So as we're trimming, we're going to want to be sure to use some downward pressure on the bottom which is going to help keep it in place.

At this point may be a good idea to start using your larger trimming tool. If you have not introduced this tool already, you'll help to cover a little larger area in here. downward pressure with my left hand and begin to trim nice clean ribbons again. trim away this leather hard clay can also be helpful to use your bottle cap, similar to how we used on the foam bat and that's gonna help distribute some of that pressure and this downward pressure that we're putting on this piece and this will help remove all this excess clay really lighten up our piece. fine tune that shape Sure. Deep undercut there for that shadow.

Now that we've turned the outside, we're ready to move to the inside of the piece. At this point, I'm gonna switch over my smaller trimming tall establishing my foot into the inside of the vessel. Moving excess clay give him this piece of nice finished feel to it. Last I'm gonna run my sponge along to clean up any hard edges. Then after I take this off of here, I think I'm gonna come in And put some undulations in this thread because we have this looser neck on this piece that may help to continue the flow of the piece. Now that we've cleaned up the Southside surface, we've created our foot, come in here and do a little bit of detail work.

Can we just create a little bit of movement within that foot, give it a little better sense of unity that's working along with this looser top. So again, this is the heart check. Next, we're going to go over the soft check. And they both have pros and cons to them. One of the pros of the heart Chuck is that they're pre made, they're ready to use you have a ball to trim to take your Chuck sinnard up for bottle into it and begin trimming. The downside to the chuck is that it is hard so it is more likely to scar the surface of your bottle.

A soft Chuck is more gentle because it is soft so it's less likely to scar the surface of your bottle or your vessel. But they are more labor intensive because you have to throw them for each individual bottle. So let's, let's move on and we'll talk about soft checks.

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