Read sunsets and fading time, while sunlight does consist of the entire range of frequencies of visible light, not all frequencies are equally intense. sunlight is mostly rich with yellow light frequencies, and consequently the sun appears yellow during midday due to the large amount of yellow dominant frequencies. higher frequencies of light like red and orange that are not scattered through the atmospheric particles and are able to reach our eye on an uninterrupted path appear mostly at sunset. This can be explained by the light scattering of the sun as it approaches the horizon line, where sunlight must transverse a greater distance through our atmosphere to reach the observers eye. As the path that sunlight takes throughout atmosphere increases in length, it results in a scattering of greater and greater amounts of yellow light. The light that reaches our eyes tends to be concentrated with red and orange frequencies.
For this reason, the sunsets have a reddish orange hue. The effect of a red sunset becomes more pronounced if the atmosphere contains more and more particles. This can then also be explained as if the source of light is moving away from the eserver where it will appear red. But when the source of light is moving towards the observer, it will look here blue