Strengthening Exam Strategies - Part 1

NEET and AIIMS Success Coaching Understanding Current Exam Strategies
6 minutes
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Hi students, I'm your friend and coach rocket Proctor. We are now in the step three or four nine step signature solution in which we significantly increase your chances of getting into your dream Medical College. It could be Ames it could be Maulana Azad, it could be instead of Medical Sciences Ph. It could be King George college left now it could be St. John's Medical College, Bangalore and so on. So in this step, we'll understand your current exam strategies. Hope you enjoyed our previous two steps of understanding level of concepts understanding level of problem solving, and hope you're filling the sheets that we made you fill in these steps on a regular basis, you're getting to know a lot about your level of concepts about your level of problem solving.

This step will be about understanding your current exam strategies. Now if you look at NEET, we have 180 questions and three R's. That means just one minute by Question. Hence, to master this exam, we have to do a lot of mock exams before that, so that when we get into our final need examination, we shouldn't feel that we are doing anything different. A number of mock exam practice should be such that it will become a routine for us at every week, we have to give about exam and final need exam would be just part of the routine that we would be falling for, for the next two years. So this video will talk about the first PDF that we will have to fill for this step, which is about understanding current exam strategies.

And keep filling these sheets on a regular basis and you'll get to know a lot about yourself. And once you know your weaknesses, you can improve on that and can take your performance to the level where your chance of getting into your dream college are significant. So bear with us. Stay tuned, be happy, always keep filling the sheets. do enjoy this process. Keep working hard.

Thank you and all the very best I students, this is the first PDF that you need to fill for our step three, which aims to understand your current exam strategies. You can find this PDF below this lecture. Now this PDF consists of two sheets, you'd have to take a printout and with each and every exam, you will have to fill this sheet. So the first column talks about exam name or state. The second column talks about duration Rs, one r two r, three r six hours, and so on. The third is the level simple or difficult.

Just use your own judgment for state exam simple was that moderate was that difficult and right the level here and for this number of questions you attempted in that exam. The fifth is number of correct. Sixth is number of incorrect. Seventh overall score at eight Overall rank in coaching or All India. So the first four columns you can fill just after giving your exam while the remaining are the last four columns, you will be able to fit only after you've caught the Omar or the results of that except how many you did correct? How many you didn't correct?

What was your overall score? What was your overall track? So idea is to understand the frequency of exam Are you giving exam after every week after every two weeks after every three weeks after a month or so on so it is to understand your frequency of the exam. Understand the type of exams that happens in your coaching or you give by yourself using any website or any other media that you use for giving exam. The third is the type of exam that you're giving simple, moderate difficult for this how many questions are you able to attempt that means how well are you able to manage time in Got exams? Fifth is your accuracy.

Whatever question you choose to do, are you doing it correctly? Or are you making mistakes? Be it in concept B in calculations weighted marking? How many questions are incorrect? So idea is to reduce the number of questions that we do incorrect and increased the number of questions that we do correct. So they should be ideally zero.

We look at these strategies in our upcoming videos how we how we can improve the number of correct questions, how can we reduce the number of incorrect questions, what was your overall score and what was your overall rank? So these two parameters are very important to understand with rank will get to know what are your chances of getting into your dream college because your coaching level history that every year, say 10 students get into Bolinas or good corporate college so if you are among 10 that means you have good chances of getting into your dream college if you are not among 10 We work hard to come in top 10 in our coaching, and we will do whatever we can to come under top 10 in the coaching if 10 students every year gets into a very good college, so every coaching will have a different number will have a different history, we'll have to understand the history and the number of each coaching and we'll have to be among the toppers in the coaching.

So that our chance of getting into that dream college are very, very good. So take a printout of the sheets, keep hitting them on a regular basis if you run out of the rows. Again, take a printout, you can and keep filling the sheet after each and every exam after each and every score that you get for the exam will understand the frequency, the duration, the level the number of questions, you are attempting your time management, accuracy, how many are you doing? Correct? How many are you doing incorrect mistakes are you making here? Your whole overall score your overall track, which tells us it shows us the chances that you have forgotten Do your dream college.

Keep doing it. Keep enjoying the process. Keep working hard. Be happy always. and visualize your goal of becoming a great doctor. visualize your goal of getting into your dream Medical College.

Relish this journey. Enjoy this process. Keep smiling, be happy. Thank you all the very best

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