Hi students, I'm your friend and coach Rohit Kalka. We are still in the step eight of a nine step signature solution in which we significantly increase your chances of getting into your dream college. Hope you enjoyed a previous video on motivation. Hope you started filling the sheet on motivation and please do send it to us once you are done fitting that sheet. We will get on a call we will discuss all the challenges that you are facing right now. We will create a plan to eliminate all those challenges.
Hope you are fitting the sheets in that we made you fill in our discover phase. Hope you're applying the strategies that we walked you through in the design phase. Hope you're working on your focus Hope you are revising consistently. Now in this video we will walk you through the plan for improving your retention power. As we looked into our improving concepts, strategy and improving problem solving skills, that understanding retention power plays a very important role in how you do in the problems board during your problem solving time and during your mock exams. So in this video, we will look at how to improve our retention power, how to improve our memory.
So be with us watch this video with immense focus, discipline sincerity. And I guarantee you that if you apply the tips that we will walk you through in this video, your retention power will improve significantly and you will never forget the concepts or calculations in your mock exams. As a result, your mock exam scores and rank will be very very good. Be With Us too happy always thank you and all the very best AI students in this video we will look at strategies for improving your retention power. Retention power is about migrating concepts from subconscious mind to conscious mind. That means if you have studied any chapter, either the theory of the chapter or you have done problems of that chapter that means, the concepts and those calculations and those problems are there in your subconscious mind.
So, by improving the retention power what we are doing, we are bringing those concepts and problems and calculations to your conscious mind. Hope it is not in your unconscious mind that means, you have not studied that chapter at all. Because if you are aiming for need if you are aiming for aims and you want to get into your dream college you have to do each and every chapter very thoroughly you have to understand each and every concept very thoroughly. There is no way you can miss out on any chapter or any concept within that chapter. So, hope you have studied all the chapters and hope it is there in your subconscious mind both the theory or the concepts and the calculations and the problems now what we want to do is that we want to transmit it from subconscious mind to the conscious mind. Now improving retention is composed of two parts revision and triggers.
In division, the number of times you do it and how effectively you do it. Filing triggers we have keywords, diagrams, images, numbers. So revision hope you have started revising the topics before each and every mock exam that you gave Hope you're revising the chapters, daily, weekly, and monthly as per the plan that we walk you through in our step seven, in which we design your consistent revision plan. Now revision number of times you do it and how effectively you do it. Let's take an example. Suppose, the production in biology so the production in biology at How many times will you study this chapter?
First in your coaching, say for two weeks, your teacher taught you the production in which he made you write the notes He made you do the problems and during those times beeks you also did the coaching DPS you solve problems from coaching modules you solve problems from reference books you solve problems from any web support that you might be following. So, you did almost say 400 questions for a production in that span of two weeks, you wrote the coaching notes, you understood that theory, you understood the problem solving and then you gave a mock exam for that chapter. So, before that mock exam, you again revise the theory you again revise the difficult problems. So first revision was before mock exam and in that month, you revise the reproduction because it was taught in that month. In that week, also you revised the production. So number of revisions that you have done so far in reproduction is one before the mock exam once a month, and once a week, so three times revision that you've already done for reproduction.
Now, so whenever a new mock exam comes, of which t production is available, Have you have to revise that before the mock exam. So overall, for each of the chapter before need, you will revise that chapter at least five to 10 times and five to 10 times revision is a very good number to bring the concepts and the problems and the calculations from subconscious mind to conscious mind. Now, how effectively you do it, how effectively you do it depends on the theory that you read the problems that you revise. So theory, as we've already taught, you should be done from the handwritten notes that you create. These notes are master data as you remember. And problems are the ones which you are not able to solve during the problem solving time, or wish you were not able to solve during previous mock exams.
So if you did 400 questions on reproduction, you need to revise at least 15 to 20 questions which were the difficult ones that you couldn't do during your problem solving time or during your Previous mock exam. Now triggers triggers plays a very important role in your retention because retention is all about visualizing. If you are able to visualize the concepts in your mind while revising or during problem solving time or during mock exams, that means your retention of those concepts is good. For that we want you to pay utmost attention to the keywords and diagrams or images, the numbers. Now keywords could be different variables in the chapter for example, if you're doing friction and physics, friction has a keyword called coefficient of friction. So you need to remember that key word always in your conscious mind.
And diagrams or images in friction chapter we see a diagram in which a block is kept on an inclined plane and there are different types of forces acting on the block. Then you need to solve for the acceleration velocity, time distance and so on. So this is the inclined plane a block is kept over here. And and the block is facing friction from the inclined plane this G acting down there is normal force acting perpendicular to the block and so on. So, these are the diagrams that you will see in your physics. In physics you will also see a lot of pulley diagrams.
Similarly, there will be a lot of diagrams in your biology chemistry. So, idea is to remember the keywords remember the diagrams or images and remember the numbers in chemistry you have Avogadro's number in we have our as the gas constant in chemistry and similarly, there will be a lot of numbers in your biology physics as well. So, as part of the triggers remember the key words like coefficient of friction remember the diagram or images like inclined plane for pulleys remember the numbers Avogadro's number, gas constant, and so on. So, related to different concepts and problems be conscious of these key words, diagrams and numbers while studying any concept. So, retention power is about migrating concepts from subconscious mind To conscious mind, improving retention is trying to two parts revision triggers, division is number of times you do it, how effectively you do it and triggers keywords diagrams or images numbers.
Keywords could be coefficient of friction diagrams or images, inclined plane pulleys, numbers could be gas constant, Avogadro's number related to different concepts and problems for all the three subjects be conscious of these key words, diagrams and numbers while studying any concept. Number of division we took the example of pre production, the production you will devise every week, when the chapter was going on, once a month when that chapter was done, and before each and every mock exam. So for each and every chapter before need, you would have revised that chapter at least five to 10 times at least, and this is a very good number, improve your retention power for that chapter for those concepts. So start applying these aspects in your preparation and our guarantee you that you will see a tremendous improvement in your memory in your attention power. Now, other ways of, of improving memory are spending at least 15 to 20 minutes on your party.
When you spend time on your body, your mind gets relaxed, you become peaceful as a result your memory improves. The other thing is you can eat soup element daily, at least five to six elements and that is also considered to enhance your memory. So keep doing this. keep applying it in your preparation and you will see a tremendous improvement in your memory in your concepts and your problem solving skills, your exams for soundtrack be happy always. Thank you and all the very best