4 Simple Tips to Improve Focus in Just 30 Days

NEET and AIIMS Success Coaching High Focus, Good Exam Scores and Rank
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Hi students, I'm your friend and coach Rohit Cocker. We are now in the step seven of a nine step signature solution in which we significantly increase your chances of getting into your current college or your dream College. This can be in Steli Maulana Azad Institute of Medical Sciences pH u King George college slack now, Christian Medical College were lower and so on. In this step we will look at focus and consistent revision plan so that you can keep getting good exam scores and drag Hope you enjoyed our previous six steps in the design and discover phase now we have started the deliver phase. In discover phase we made you feel a lot of PDFs in order to understand your current level of concepts your current level of problem solving and current exam strategies. Hope you are filling those sheets on a regular basis and are getting to know a lot about you yourself, because this self awareness has the potential to significantly increase your chances of getting into your dream college.

So keep doing it. Keep enjoying the process. Don't take the sheets as a burden. But make sure bring it in your daily routine, make them as your habit and keep hitting them on a regular basis. So every peak analyze how many sheets Have you filled? Are those sheets updated or not?

So every week spend 1520 minutes on those nine sheets and see are you doing it thoroughly or not? Or are there any leaks in between? Can you do better or not? Hope you enjoyed the strategies that we provided in the design phase for improving concepts, improving problem solving skills, improving exam scores and RAC, improving exam scores and rank we'll look at the exam strategy, mindset, decision making accuracy, and speed. Hope you have started applying these strategies. Hope you Improving on your performance day by day and hope you're enjoying these videos and are getting to know a lot.

And you can see a significant change in your mindset towards studies in your mock exam scores and rank in this step seven, which is about high focus on code, exam scores and rank, we will work upon your focus, and we will provide you with consistent revision plans so that you can keep scoring good marks in your mock exams, because scores and rank of your mock exams are the most powerful parameters that we have for analyzing whether you have good chances of getting into your dream college or not. So stay with us be happy, always keep enjoying this process. I guarantee you that if you keep applying what we are teaching here, your chances of getting into your dream college will increase significantly. Thank you and all the very best Hi students in this video I will walk you through four simple steps to become more focused during your need preparation in just 30 days.

So if you apply the strategies that I will walk you through in this video, you will see that your focus will increase significantly in just 30 days but you have to keep doing it consistently for the 30 days and after that you will get the results and it will be your habit and you will really enjoy the processes or the tips that I'm going to tell you right now. First understand why you do what you do. Since you have already started your need preparation you have decided to commit 10 to 15 hours each day for it. You have decided to spend two to three years on it you have decided to spend lakhs of rupees on it. It is to understand why you are making so much effort for it, why you're spending so much money on it. So take a sheet of paper and write down neatly that which college you want to Get into and why right now.

So take a sheet of paper and pen and write down which college you want to get into and why. So this college can be Ames Delhi this can be college can be fallen as this college can be King George college Lucknow or any other college of your choice. But why should be very clear why you need to get into that college because we are not just here preparing for need, we are preparing for a better life better future. So why can be that I want to become a cardiologist neuro position neurosurgery or IRA they call me back and so on. After that, I want to help people I want to treat people I want to leverage my skills for the betterment of humanity. I want to become financially free.

I want a good reputation in the society. I want to provide fame a name to my family to my father, mother I want to travel the world, I want to earn a lot of money. I want to help a lot of people in future with my work. So these could be some of your advice. So take a sheet of paper and write down neatly at which college you want to get into, and why. So, prepare this and keep this forever, not just during your need for patient but forever because you are writing why of your need preparation and that is relevant for your life.

So you will go into a dream college you will become the doctor that you have always imagined to be and why you will do that. That will be with you forever, not just during your need preparation. So keep this paper with you forever. Now set specific goals daily and achieve them. I walk you through this step in the mindset video as well but I will walk you through this again. So whenever you have six to eight hours in your day for self study Take a sheet of paper and a pen write down very specific goals for it.

So, divide the entire day should you have small segments of one to two hours each and a very specific goal for that segment would be in the next two hours. I will finish the production theory from NJIT. So, here this is a very specific goal, you talk about the time you talk about the topic, which is genetics or the production, not just biology, you are talking about the source which is NC RT, and you are saying that you will study theory or you will be theory. So, time topic, source theory are questions. So entire day should you should be divided to four to five goals of one to two hours each. And at end of the day, you have to see how many of those goals are you able to achieve?

Are you able to achieve two out of five, three out of five, four out of five or five out of five. Whatever goals you are not able to achieve in that day. Ideas To include that in the goal of the next day, we don't have to leave everything if we were able to achieve four out of five. The one goal that is left we have to include in our sheduled next day. And at the end of the day, also track the number of focus and study hours. So write these goals on a paper and keep that paper always with you throughout your day, should you and keep writing the number of focus and study hours that you are putting in each day, at the end of the day?

Measure how many hours variable to put in? Because this will help us understand how many problems are we doing each day? How many pages of theory are we studying each day, and so on. So write specific goals on a sheet of a paper. Keep that paper with you always and track the number of focus and study hours for each day. And that focus on CDR should be at least six to eight, as we've already told you in the past, but if you go Do school and college both, you may not have enough time.

So spend at least five to six hours. Try to reduce the sleep quota try to minimize the breaks, try to minimize your distractions and so on 30 spend at least 15 to 20 minutes daily on health. This you would have heard from me in the previous videos as well but I will walk you through this again in this video because this is very, very important. If you have started doing it very, very good. If you have not started doing it, my objective is to make you do it. So decide what works best for you jogging, exercise, gym yoga, meditation, bring it in your daily routine.

This is not a waste of time, this is an investment as I told you previously as well. And I guarantee you that if you keep doing it for 30 days continuously, you will see a 10 x change in your focus study hours. So for example, if You're spending five hours each day on self study and you take out 20 minutes for your body. At the end of the month, you can increase that five hours to six hours or could be seven hours. We never know. Because when you spend 15 minutes on your body, it helps you come up with sweat, that sweat when it comes out of your body, it makes you more focused, it makes you feel relaxed.

It really calms your mind. It helps you become more peaceful, joyful, blissful. So please do it and you will see the changes for yourself. Because right now what happens is that diet A shedule is a mental shedule that means for 10 to 15 hours you are just using your mind and you are not using your body and with such as should you if you follow it consistently when you don't you use your body enough, you just use your mind. Focus goes away now. 30 unconsciously focus goes away.

Because you are just focusing on your mind you are not doing anything about your body. So with this 15 to 20 minutes what we are doing we are developing a good habit of spending 15 to 20 minutes on our body and with that focus comes up naturally. For time fourth tip is revisit your goal again and again. So the paper or the sheet that you create in the first step, always keep with you and keep revisiting this sheet again and again preferably once in 15 days. idea is to visualize your goal regularly. visualize that you have gone into your dream college, but the aim Steli molars visualize the doctor that you have always imagined to be visualized that you are treating patients visualize you're doing surgery.

Visualize you have become financially free visualize you're helping people visualize you are studying in your dream college. Visualize you're enjoying yourself Dream college visualize You're doing great work for humanity and so on visualize whatever you want to achieve very clearly and revisit the sheet that you created in tip one again and again. So watch videos, images of your dream College in free time and take inspiration from that. See, whenever we start any journey, which is difficult, and our chances of getting into the place that we have always imagined to be is very less we have to remain very inspired throughout that journey, and how you can remain inspired by writing your goals down visualizing them on a regular basis, and taking inspiration from that goal on a regular basis. So understand why you do what you do set specific goals daily and achieve them spend at least 15 to 20 minutes on health.

Revisit your goal again and again. So these are the four simple steps if you apply on a regular basis. You will see your focus with me Proof significantly in just 30 days, that's my guarantee. After 30 days you can set up a call with me and can tell me the changes that you have seen in your preparation and in your life. And I guarantee you that it will really help in your need or inspiration. So start doing this.

Enjoy, be happy always. Thank you and all the very best

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