Strengthening Exam Strategies - Part 2

NEET and AIIMS Success Coaching Understanding Current Exam Strategies
9 minutes
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Hi students, I'm your friend and coach for hip Cocker. We are still at the step three of a nine step signature solution in which we significantly increase your chances of getting into your dream College. This college can be Ames tele, this college can be King George luck now this college can be Institute of Medical Sciences pH you this can be volunteers at University of Teddy St. John's Medical College, Christian College and velo and so on. So you have to even have a goal in mind that I want to be this kind of doctor, cardiologist, neuro physician, neurosurgery, General physician or IR with a CT homeopath, you will have a goal in your mind and what we are trying to do here is that you're significantly increase your chances of getting into your dream college and choosing the kind of doctor that you have always imagined to be.

So that's what we're trying to do here in these videos and this digital success Coaching and hope you're fitting the sheets that we are making you feel on a regular basis you are really enjoying the process. The journey of filling these sheets you're getting to know a lot about yourself. You are getting to know your weaknesses. You're getting to know your strengths. You are working to improve on your weaknesses, you are maintaining your strengths. And you can see a tremendous change in your concepts tremendous change in your problem solving skills.

And slowly with time, you will see that your mock exam scores and rank will improve significantly. mock exams play the most important role in your need, or aims preparation because you have 180 questions to do in three hours and need and that means less than one minute per question. So unless you don't practice enough, you won't be able to do all the questions correctly in less than one minute. If you don't practice enough you won't be able to manage your time. You won't be able to remain focused and attentive throughout your three hours. exam and as a result, even after spending 10 to 15 hours each day for two years and lakhs of rupees, you won't be able to achieve your goal, while with this subscription that you have taken for the digital coaching if you keep doing what we are teaching here, if you truly understand what we are teaching here, and if you keep applying in your preparation, you will see a tremendous improvement in your preparation journey and your chances of getting into your dream college increases significantly.

So in this video, we'll walk you through the second PDF that you will have to fill in Step three, which, again is to understand your current exam strategies. So fill these these sheets with immense sincerity, discipline, focus, attention, be very committed and inspired towards your goal. And I guarantee you that if you keep doing it, there's no way anyone can stop you from getting into your dream college and choosing the dream career that you've always imagined to be. Stay with us. Thank you and also it This hi students, this is the second PDF that you will have to fill for step three, which aims to understand your current exam strategies. You can find this PDF below this lecture.

And this PDF again has two sheets. And there are a again eight columns in the sheet. So the first column talks about the exam name or date. Second is about duration one r two r three r six hours level simple moderate difficulty similar to what we did in the previous PDF. Then the fourth column talks about is started with which subject with which subject did you start your mock exam with? It could be physics, chemistry, biology.

So right the subject here and the fifth column talks about Did you juggle between subjects. Now what juggle between subjects So did you switch to second subject without finishing the first one completely? Or did you switch to third subject without finishing second completely. So what happens is that sometimes when we start our mock exams, say with chemistry, when we attempt 510 questions of the chemistry, and we are not able to solve, we start losing the confidence that we'll be able to do when in this mock exam or not. So in order to regain the confidence, we switch to the second subject, say physics. Again, we start attempting the questions of physics and say after 510 questions, if we do good if we are able to solve say four or eight out of 10 questions, we again get confident in the mock exam.

As a result, we complete the second subject and then we move to the third subject and then finally, we come back to the first subject. But this is not the best strategy. If you started with chemistry, even if you're not able to do both In the first five or 10 questions is to complete that subject completely. Because when you switch to the second subject, there is a cognitive effort that you have to put in both in terms of time and focus, because your mind takes some time for a switch, when you switch from chemistry to physics, your mind will get confused for some time. And then it will try to again adjust to the new subject as a result, you do some time and focus in that thing. So even if you're not able to do when in the chemistry the first five or 10 questions is to keep doing it and complete it.

So juggling is not the best strategy, but here we are trying to see whether Did you juggle between the subjects or not? And juggling again means that did you switch to second subject without finishing the first one completely? But did you switch to third subject without finishing second completely? So right? Yes, if you just hold it tight, no. If you did not juggle, and then we will see what is the best strategy we will keep tracking and how many exams are you juggling and how many exams are not just juggling.

And we'll also compare the scores and the rank of the exams in which you juggled and in which you did not juggle. So you get a lot of data points about yourself. We will analyze those data points in as much detail as possible. And then we'll see is juggling working for you, or is it not working for you? The sixth column talks about time given to chemistry, so we get 45 questions and final NEET exam for chemistry, we had four questions for final exam in physics and 90 questions for biology. So if we look at the time division, if 20 questions is for biology for one and how far should go for biology, all 45 minutes should go for chemistry.

45 Minutes should go for physics. So write down how much time are you spending for chemistry How much time are you spending on physics? How much time are you spending on biology. So idea is to download the sheets keep filling them on a regular basis. In the first column, we understand the frequency of your exam. In the second column we understand the duration of the exam in third, we understand the level of the exam that you're giving simple, moderate difficult.

Use your own judgment by filling this column in the fourth viewers understanding which subject you prefer starting your mock exam with in fifth Columbia understanding Do you juggle between the subjects when you do when you are not able to solve the first subject completely? When you lose the confidence in mock exams? Do you end up just juggling between the subjects or not? a sixth column here understanding the time that you give to chemistry can seventh column your understanding the time you give physics and in the final column you understand the time you give to biology? So once we have a lot of data points about you exam strategies, we can discuss them further and can understand what is working for us what is not working for us. But for that we'll have to keep filling this on a regular basis then only we can come up with the analysis with sufficient data points who are enjoying filling these sheets and I guarantee you that if you fill this sheet with immense sincerity discipline, you will get to know a lot about your exam strategies.

And once you know what is working, you will keep doing that once you know what is not working, give it a try to improve that. And then your chances of getting into your dream college will increase significantly because your performance in mock exams will increase significantly and performance in mock exams. Your rank and your coaching your rank at an All India level are the metrics that we look to understand how much chances you have for getting into a good or your dream Medical College. Be with us keep doing it. We have We always enjoy the preparation. Have fun.

Thank you and all the very best

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