Strategy for Improving Problem Solving

NEET and AIIMS Success Coaching Improving Problem Solving Skills
17 minutes
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Hi students we are now in this step five or four nine step signature solution in which we significantly increase your chances of getting into your dream college and choosing your dream profession. Your dream college could be aims tele Institute of Medical Sciences pH Q. King George college left now patient Medical College fellow St. John's Medical College bandler and so on. Hope you enjoyed our previous video on improving concepts. hope you understood the strategies that we taught you in the previous video, hope you have started applying those strategies in your preparation. Hope you started studying at least six to eight hours each day.

And if you go to school, along with coaching, and sometimes we don't have enough time to spend on self study, even if you spend four to five hours, that becomes a very big task for us if we go both school and coaching during our day. Now if you go to school and coaching during your day idea is to reduce your sleep in some way, so that at least we study five to six hours each day because we see this trend among toppers. This is not just my wish that you study six to eight hours. This is what I see among students who do really well at their need or aims paper. And spending six to eight hours is mandatory. If you go to school and coaching both spend at least five to six hours.

Try to reduce your sleep quota. Try to minimize the distractions try to reduce the breaks. But study at least five to six hours because if you do this for two years, you will see that the life that you get after your neater games preparation is over and you get it to your dream college the life will be very good. You will be studying what you have always wanted to be you will choose the doctor that you want to be. And the career opportunities will be so much in your life that you don't have to think about your finances about your profession. Much you just have to keep doing what your college asks you to do.

Now in this video, we'll walk you through the strategies for improving problem solving skills. As you know that indeed you have to give 180 questions in 180 minutes, that means you have just one minute per question. So in this video, we'll walk you through the strategies that toppers adopt for doing well in the problem solving. And if you understand them thoroughly and apply in your preparation, you will see a tremendous improvement in your problem solving skills. And as a result, your mock exam scores and rank will also go up. So be with us.

Watch this video with immense sincerity, discipline, focus and attention and understand what we're trying to teach here and start applying upon watching this video. Be happy always thank you and all the very best. Hi students in this video, we will look at strategies for improving on problem solving skills. This slide you would have seen in the previous video as well, but I will walk you through this slide again. So key to concept building is read and understand theory, solve problems and attempt mock exams. Once you are done reading the theory or watching the video lecture, you only know 40% of the concepts, the other 40% you know upon problem solving by doing the solid examples by doing the simple problems by doing the neat level or age level problems, and the remaining 20% the concepts are built through mock exams.

So in the previous video, we looked at the strategy for mastering theory and now in this video we will look at strategy for mastering problem Solving. So again, mastering problem solving is a function of two things, the time you spend on it and how you study. We'll take each aspect in detail in the video. So time spent since the slide that you would have seen in the previous video as well, but I will walk you through this light again in this video. So according to us daily focus as steady as should be at least six to eight, and it varies from the class you are in. So recommended focus held steady hours and 11th hour six to seven into health it's seven to eight, interrupt here it's eight to nine.

Now for 11 we recommend a breakup of 40% theory and 60% problem solving for 12th. We recommend the breakup of 30% theory and 70% problem solving for drop here we recommend a breakup of 20% theory and 80% problem solving. As you know that deed or Ames exam is all about mastering problem solving. Hence, you can see Higher weightage on problem solving here and what you do. In these four to six hours Eastern problem solving, you will come back from your coaching you will do the DPS that your teacher has asked you to do. In that day you will solve problems from different reference books he will solve problems from different coaching modules.

You may solve problems from different websites that you may be referring to. So on an average, we see that students spend at least four to six hours each day on problem solving and rest is on theory. The reason we asked you to study six to eight hours each day in addition to your coaching arts because this is the trend that we see among students who do really well in need or aims examination. Now if you go to school, and if you go to coaching as well, you won't have six to eight hours in addition to your coaching hours. Hence you may have to reduce your sleep quota, you have to minimize your distractions and at least spend four to five hours or six hours Because otherwise, if you don't spend much time on yourself study, just going to coaching doesn't lead to strong concepts you have to solve a lot of problems at home you have to give a lot of mock exam.

So six hours is recommended. Even when you go to school and coaching both, you have to take out time in some way or the other. Otherwise, you will see that in 12 standard, your performance in mock exams is not that great. Your problem solving skills are not that great and your concepts are not that strong. In spite of regretting in 12 standard IPAs, too, take out time in 11th and 12th. Both even if you go to school and coaching, take out at least six hours in your day for self study.

Now mastering problem solving depends on your study material and approach. Again, we have given a ranking to the source that we think is best for problem solving. So the first rank, we get It is to the repeted coaching modules. These modules are part of the DLP material that we get from repeted coaching such as residence Allen Akash. And for each of the chapter you get a separate booklet. And that booklet has different types of questions including the solid examples, basic problems need or inch level problems and all the variations that you can see in your final examination.

All types of problems are present there. The reason we give it the first priority is because these modules are built by teachers in the coaching who have cleared this exam themselves when they were student, and they have a lot of experience teaching their students year over year as a result, the material that they come up with is the most relevant for the exams you are aiming for. The second priority we give is to coaching DPS. It may be possible that your coaching might be referring to DPP scrims repeted coaching could be from residence or in a cache. And if that's the case, then again, it will be part of the repeted coaching module. But if you're coaching frames its own DPP.

That's the second priority we give in terms of problem solving. When you will come back to home from your coaching, you will be given full work to solve the DPS and you have to do it because the doubts of those DPS will get discussed in your coaching, and as a result activity second priority, but these indicate the second priorities, it may or may not be the most relevant material, but the repeated coaching modules are the most relevant material that we see in the market right now. The third is the repeted book for physics we recommended si Burma. For biology, you may refer to NCR T for chemistry, you may refer to another state for physical chemistry and these books are also generic. For example, the need books they may be relevant for Ames as well. They will be relevant for chipmaker as well, but they are not targeted toward wanting exam.

But these books are good. And we give it the third priority the fourth AC preparation website. Online, we never know what are the quality of the problems we are doing? And we don't know Are we progressing towards our goal of getting into the dream college or not. So the ranking first is repeted coaching modules. These are part of the DLP we get from repeated coaching such as resonance and in Akash, you can buy them online or you can go into into a local bookstore and buy the secondhand modules.

The second is the coaching DPS, third is the replicated book and fourth is the professional website. Again, this may vary from student to student because your understanding concepts may be improving significantly by doing the problems from a reputable it could be possible and for you repeted book could be the best source. It is possible but basis my experience on coaching students faces what I see what I have observed among my friends who played itj with me who cleared the exam with me, I found that repeated coaching modules are very relevant study material for exams such as neat as itj. Now approach this is very important part of your need exam, because whenever you attempt a problem either at home or at or during mock exams, there are three parts to it. First is read quickly and effectively. For that you will have to improve on your focus and attention you can see key to success here right so key to success.

That means key to reading quickly and effectively is focus and attention. Whenever question comes to you, you have to read it quickly and effectively. You have to understand or make a meaning out of it. For that it requires immense focus and attention and good comprehension skills. And in the subsequent videos, we will look on how to improve on focus how to improve on attention comprehension skills you can develop by solving more and more problems by reading a newspaper 15 minutes a day. So, first aspect of any problem solving is read quickly and effectively.

And the key to success is focus and attention. The second is decide on the concept after you're done reading the problem, you have to decide which concept will go into it and it will test your understanding and your retention power. Now, if you have understood concept and if you are not able to recall, then you won't be able to do the problem. If your retention power is good, but you don't understand the concept again, you won't be able to solve in the solve the problem and you will be stuck at this stage. After you have decided the concept basis your understanding level basis your attention power, you go to the calculations. Now calculations either you can remember that since you have solved so many problems in the past, you may end up remembering the calculations.

And again, you aren't retention power plays a very important role in the calculations, or you can derive by yourself in the exam. But since you have less than one minute in your need exam idea is to be very clear on the calculation steps. idea is to improve your retention power and try to minimize your derivation skills because if you start deriving in your final exam, you won't be able to solve a lot of questions because out of 180, if you're able to solve the 90 that means you end up missing on the remaining 90 questions and best is to solve problems to an extent where you understand concepts thoroughly where you understand calculations thoroughly and your retention power research that you end up remembering the steps and solving the problem as quickly as possible in the final exam. Now, the strategy for problems which you are not able to solve in first instant now this slide is very, very important.

I want you to pay utmost attention to it. This is the situation that you will face a lot in your need or is preparation. In this slide we'll talk about the strategy for problems which you are not able to solve in the first instance. So strategy for questions not solved in first try. So it depends it depends on two aspects. First is retry methodology and doubt clearing.

So for retry methodology, what I suggest to students is that whenever you are stuck in a problem, spend at least 30 minutes during your first try and then leave if after 30 minutes you are not able to solve the problem, leave that problem and move on to the other problem. But come back to this same problem on the same day after a few hours and again spend 30 minutes on it. revisit the problem after a few hours on the same day again spend 30 minutes on it. After that if you're not able to solve again leave it most of the times what happens is that when we give a second try after a few hours on the same day, we are able to But most of the time it happens. But even after that if, if you're not able to solve, revisit the problem again next day and spend 15 to 20 minutes on it.

Again most of the time at this step we are able to solve that question and after this, if you're not able to solve go to the doubt clearing methodology or doubt clearing methodology could be asking your friends in your coaching teacher browsing on the web or any other app or website support you would be referring for doubt clearing but give yourself three try before moving on to doubt clearing what happens is that students give up at this step. They give up after trying 30 minutes and then if they don't clear that doubt anywhere, either with their friends or with coaching teacher or on web, then that concept remains as a blog could always so ideas to spend 30 minutes during first try then again Come back to the same question after a few hours on the same day, and again, spend 30 minutes on it. Then again, come back next day, spend 15 to 20 minutes.

And if after the third trial you're not able to solve, ask your friends, ask your coaching teacher or browse on the fifth. So this slide is very important and you will encounter this stage many times in your NATO preparation, an idea is to keep trying three times and then clearing the doubts. We don't have to miss anything we have to clear everything that is not clear. We have to ask as many doubts as possible from friends from coaching teacher, we don't have to miss on anything, because if we start missing it, it it will be a huge pile. And those huge pile will be the concepts that we don't get understand. And if that question comes from those pile of concepts, which we don't yet understand a need or aims examination, we won't be able to do very well sir Time to spend on problem solving at least four to six hours each day.

How you spend the first sources repeted coaching module second is coaching database. Third is replicated book fourth is preparation website, read quickly and effectively need to work upon your focus and attention, which is the key to success. Decide on the concept. The key to success is understanding intention power calculations. The key to success is understanding retention, power and derivation skills, strategy for problems. So if you're not able to go in first instance, try three times.

And then ask your friends quoting, teacher and so on. Hope you enjoy this video. keep applying the strategies that you learned here. And I guarantee you that if you apply these strategies, your preparation will improve so rapidly in just two to three months that your chances of getting into your dream college will improve significantly. And you don't have to think back into health and see what's not going right you will be performing very well in your mock exam. And your confidence level will be such that yes, I'm getting into my dream college, I choose the kind of doctor I want to be.

And there's no way anyone can stop me from achieving that goal. So that should be the level of confidence. Keep working hard, keep applying these strategies. Stay happy. Always. Thank you and all the very best

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