Step 5.2 - Connect + Connect + Connect

Transform Your English Step V - Mega Memory
17 minutes
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Okay, so this is a part two of our fifth step, our mega memory. I love this step because this is where you will start noticing dramatic effects and results in the techniques that we're talking about. After this lesson, your memory will radically and permanently be transformed, not only to memorize new vocabulary in English, but to retain, remember and understand whatever you want in English or in your own language in a much better way. So, this is a formula that I love to use to retain my new vocabulary. I follow three simple steps and once I go through these steps, this word will be stored in my memory permanently, it never fails. When you can use this lesson you will be able to effortlessly apply this technique as well.

For you're ready. Now, if you want to store a new word permanently in your memory, you simply need to follow these three steps. Number one, you have to connect the meaning of the word with step number two, the sound of the word in step number three, a weird, unusual different way. Right? Remember how the brain Dawson remember everyday usual stuff? So what we need to do is create something crazy, something weird, something ridiculous or exaggerated in order for your brain To give attention to it and automatically retain it.

Now, this is where your imagination and creativity become very important. As always, there are no rules. Just whatever you can think and can imagine will work to help you connect the meaning the sound into your memory. So you can start using these words automatically in your future. Let me give you a couple of examples. We talked about a couple of advanced or power words in our past sessions.

Can you remember a couple? Let's make sure that you'll never forget this two words that I will help you and I'll give you a new one. Okay, so let's play around with these four. Mila, do you remember the word we saw a couple of sessions ago that you can use for when you see something very interesting and exciting. In fact, so much so that you cannot stop looking at that thing. Maybe you remember, riveting, but if you didn't, don't worry, because we will make sure that you will never ever again, forget this word.

Now, what we're gonna do here is play with your imagination. This is not the time for analysis or thinking. The only thing I want you to do is to paint clear pictures in your head while we're talking about these examples and connecting the meaning and the pronunciation of the words. So for the word riveting, how can we connect the meaning with the sound Word way. Okay, so first of all we need to create or think of an image that represents the meaning of the word, you need to make this image as clear and objective as possible. For me, I don't know why our red dress represents something riveting.

So I am creating an image in my head of a red dress that represents something that you have to definitely look at something with a team to help the red dress. Now, think about this sound riveting and I'll try to think of similar words or words that you know that sound kind of the same. It can be only one word, or maybe two words. For riveting read their river. Sounds very similar, doesn't it? So immediately I create an image of a river.

Reverb. Ting. Ting, reverb Ting. Ting might be the sound of a bell, right? Ting Ting, no, maybe not, but it works for me. If for you, another image can represent the sign of Ting, use that one, plastic.

So we have a red dress or river and a bell that represents that pink sound. Now simply connect the three things together in a clear image. That way you will never forget the word. So how do we do it? So Lend me your imagination for a little bit. Let me help you with this example.

So the next ones you can create for yourself. So let's see our river and what's floating on the river course you can see the riveting red dress. So I'm seeing the river flowing smoothly with a red dress. That's riveting. And what's on top of that red dress, actually making a sound. I don't know why, with the bell is making a sound while it's moving through the river with a red dress.

Sounds ridiculous. Fantastic, because remember, the more ridiculous we make our memories, our associations, the better the brain will remember it. So that's it. Really, if you created this image of our river on a red dress with a bell, you'll find that the red dress is riveting, and that the word is river untying river and Ting. And this will automatically give you the word you were looking for. Try it and you'll see if you think of these word tomorrow or in two days.

Or next week, I guarantee that you'll remember the definition and the sound of this word, just like creating these simple images. Okay, let's memorize another word that we saw a few sessions ago. What word can we use when we see something that we cannot comprehend? We cannot understand something on right on fathomable. Let's make it simpler. It's only say five.

Of course, to factum is to understand or to conceive something. So you could say I can't fathom the situation, or the situation is unfathomable. You're saying the same thing. So let's simplify the word and use Now, it's your turn to create your associations. Remember, to create an image that represents something that you can conceive with them the similar sounding words that you can think of that rhyme or start similarly to fathom. I'm connected in a weird way.

Could you do it? Now, if this was difficult for you, or if you still tend to do it, don't worry. I found that some of the most difficult things to help students learn is to eliminate the rules, eliminate the analysis and just let their their imagination run free. And this is what we're learning to do. Use what ever comes to your mind? add an image.

So maybe you thought of the word find Tom, a ghost. Right? This is a word I used when I learned the word. So, something I can't believe I'm seeing myself with an expression of, I can't believe this. I can't understand. I can't conceive this.

Because in front of me, I have the Phantom of the Opera. Remember this guy with the mask and everything. The image is so clear in my head that even when I created this, maybe five years ago, I still remember it perfectly clear. If you're doing think of Phantom, or Phantom to connecting with fathom, you could have used any other combination. In other words, Maybe thought, Tom, remember Tom and Jerry, what have you saw Tom the cat, but in an old bs version, and when you're saying it, you can't believe how far you can understand why he got so fat, because he never ate Jerry after all. So how did he get so far?

I don't know. He's on that's on Fatima. These word now is on your permanent memory. All right, now let's go to the last word. This is another one of my favorites. And I've saved for last.

Now, when you have a situation of extraordinary good fortune, good luck. You can say that you had beautiful or great serendipity Crazy word, isn't it? I love how it sounds. Let's say it again, serendipity. You can also pronounce serendipity, right? Whatever you prefer.

That's it again, serendipity or third serendipity. Now, serendipity means great fortune. How can you connect? Now, if you want to do this by yourself, please pause the video and take a couple of minutes to really deconstruct this word and find one, an image that represents extraordinary good fortune to the words that sounds similar to this word that can help you remember the pronunciation. And three, connect all of this in a crazy way. In a weird, unusual, strange way.

Oh, wait. All right. Welcome back. Could you do it? I hope that by now you have an image that represents the meaning of extraordinary good fortune with some images or image that reminds you of the sound of the word serendipity. Let me show you the way I connected this word.

So, serendipity. What sounds similar to this word? Remember, you can think of one word or as many words as necessary. So, if I think the first part, certain serenade setting that that maybe you have taken set in that dark serenade to the woman of your dreams, or maybe you have received a serenade when you were younger, or maybe even recently, if you're a girl. So the first image that we will use is an image of serenade take a look at the next three letters seren dip, dip. And I'm sure that you love cheese.

I love eating potato chips with cheese that delicious isn't it? So simply a yellow can have cheese This will help me to remember this second sound. Finally, take a look at the last sound of the word serendipity. So far we have Sayre and did EP et sounds familiar. Of course, maybe you might be thinking of our little alien friend at ko home, right? So an image of our little Martian et will be the third word will remind us of the sound.

Now, we only need to put all together in one image that's ridiculous and out of the ordinary to make sure that we will never forget this word. So this is what I picture. There's a balcony. On top of the balcony, of course, there's et out and looking down because down, there's people having are giving him serenade. Now instead of singing, what they're doing is they're throwing cheese dip at him, and he's just getting smashed with the chip on the face. But luckily, he's fortunate.

That's great fortune because he loves cheese there. So he's so happy to be able to take it off from his face and taste it. So he just had great serendipity He can't believe his luck that people are throwing cheese dip to his face. Click, now you have a new permanent memory, congratulations. Now, these are only examples that I have created. And I'm a little crazy.

My imagination runs in very specific and wild ways. Maybe you like to imagine things differently. You have different life and experience and interests. But remember, no matter who you are, no matter what you like, as long as you are imagining crazy, ridiculous out of the ordinary things. Your brain will never forget these images. With a little practice, you will become good at connecting meanings and sounds almost automatically at the moment that you hear new words.

So when you're having a conversation, if a person says Something that you didn't know before and that you like and that you feel will be useful for your life, you'll be able to really quickly find something that connects with the meaning and something that connects with the sound. These will give you superpowers to build your vocabulary at any moment, whenever you find something good, as always download the PDF file so you can read more examples and you can practice this and read a little bit more about this. And I will meet you for the final step to get your memory superpowers but for now, I hope that you stay well.

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