Hello, and welcome to the lecture on the earth energy grid. When I sat down and started to outline this course, I thought I was going to do a lecture on the earth energy grid. But as I got into it, I realized I don't have enough experience or knowledge to be a confident instructor. Plus there is some controversy as to whether they actually exist. However, I thought at least mentioned it in passing, especially since many people claim powerful sites are placed on the grid. Places like Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, Easter Island, the pyramids, O and O Academy, and a few locations I mentioned in the last lecture.
So what is the earth energy grid? Well, the earth energy grid is an ancient matrix of lines of subtle forces that form a pattern around On the globe, it's believed ancient civilizations built megalithic stone structures along the grid lines, which are also called ley lines, and also at the intersecting nodal points. Later, our newer civilizations built temples, stone circles, medicine, wheels, and ceremonial structures on the same sites. Many of these places are considered spiritual power places, ideal for heightened spiritual experiences. On your screen, you'll find an example of a map of the earth energy grid. Feel free to pause the video and see if any of your favorite places are on a ley line.
If this stuff strikes your fancy, I encourage you to research it further and take a trip to visit one near you. Okay, that's it for the earth energy grid and ley lines. So let's move on to the following assignment that I hope leaves you excited and expired. I'll see you there.