So now I'd like to share with you personal true story I've had with some sacred geometry. So when I was in college, maybe about 1920 years old, somewhere in there, I was up late one night, and I couldn't sleep or whatever. And I was in this state sitting on the couch, halfway between awake and asleep. And I didn't, I didn't meditate or didn't know anything about spirituality at the time. And I remember closing my eyes and having this incredibly lucid vision of these geometric figures spinning around. And they were, they were octahedron.
So if you know what octahedron is, it's a mirror image of a pyramid. Kind of but to but, and I just remember watching it for the longest time seeing these images spin around and they were pink or Maybe magenta colored and they were in a sphere. So there's it's an octahedron spinning in this translucent like bubble of the spirit of a sphere. And so I don't know what to think of it at the time. So I just kind of didn't do anything with it. And then about 10 years later on, it's going through my first awakening period.
The memory of that, that night came back really strong. And so I called this thing the Okta, the octave spheres, what I named it, and I got really into it, I thought it had some really deep and profound meaning. And so I made art objects that resembled in I tried to get a company that to make a prototype of it, and then it didn't really materialize and kind of never forgot it, but didn't know what to do with it kind of let it sit for about 20 years. Then about 20 years later, it came back again when I had my second awakening period. And, and then I decided I was going to I wrote a novel about it where this object was the center of the book, it was the center theme that kind of the main character of the book. And I won three awards with that novel.
So I was really proud of it. But so what that that symbol means to me now it's a, it's an, it's a it's a symbol that carries cryptid encrypted messages of my own creativity. So that's kind of my personal connection with that both sacred geometry. So there you go.