Hello, and welcome to the lecture on Astro cartography. This particular topic I find extremely fascinating. So in this lecture we'll briefly touch on the on spiring system, which has proved consistently beneficial for me on my spiritual walk. So each of us has our own energetic flavor that's unique to our personality. In slang, we call it a vibe. The same is true for places.
Every country state region, city and town has its own vibe. For example, let's say my personal vibration resonates to the color red and New York City vibes to the color yellow. If I live in New York, our colors will be combined to create the experience orange, if la resonates to blue and then when I moved to LA Angeles, my experience will be purple. What that means is that any place on our planet we choose to visit or live will create unique life experiences in that place certain themes for certain places, and it's all tied to your personal astrology and specific Earth energies. The method of figuring it all out is called Astro cartography. It's a system of location astrology, which identifies the type of energetic influences, and experiences you will have in different geographic locations.
The flavour of energy and experiences you will have is derived by projecting the lines of your astrology birth chart onto the map of Earth. Please take a look at the example of my Astro cartography map on the screen. Each line on the map indicates a different energy to be experienced, based on the planet That is associated with that line. For instance, areas or the line associated with the planet Venus or they crossed the map indicated by the red arrow will be good places for love and creativity. areas or the line associated with Pluto across the map, indicated by the black arrow are great places for transformation. Also, in places where lines intersect, indicated by the circle is where the energy of those two combined planets gets amped up, creating more intense experiences.
For example, in a place where your Pluto line crosses your moon line, you may have a very deep transformational emotional and psychic experiences there. So if you're interested in expanding your spiritual experiences, I highly recommend going to the places that will have a higher spiritual vibration for you. Here's what I recommend. Do an internet search and find To site that can send you an Astro cartography report. There's lots of websites out there can do it. So find one.
And the last time I had one done, it was very, it was pretty inexpensive. So it's it's relatively easy to do. Then when you get your map, study it and read the report, and find the location or locations that accentuate spiritual awakening, then start planning your trip. So have some fun and excitement discovering your Astro cartography. So that's it for this lecture. Now, let's move on to the next one.
I'll see you there.