
Positive Body Image for Mothers Positive Body Image for Mothers: Mirror Movement for Mothers
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Once you think about your wardrobe for a minute, there was a study done in America where they found that most women had approximately three sizes of clothes in their wardrobe. You may relate to this. They had their skinny goal outfits, they had their outfit for, you know, when they had gained weight, and then they had their regular sort of mediocre clothes range. And one of the things I did when I decided to eat away diet was I went through my wardrobe, and I got rid of all of the outfits that were there for when I reached my goal weight. Why? Because I don't have a goal weight anymore.

I have the body that I have. I no longer have to worry that my weight is going to fluctuate all the time because what you will find as you get further into the journey of living diet free, your body settles at the point where it's biologically meant to eat. And there is a video that you would have watched by now on setpoint. And so you understand how that works. Getting rid of those goal outfits was one of the most liberating things I've ever done. You know, I think to say to myself, I'm not going to put you through anything that's going to make you fit into those clothes.

I'm not going to restrict your food. I'm not going to punish you with ridiculous amounts of exercise to get into those jeans that will, you know, fit for a couple of weeks. It was one of the most liberating things that I've ever done. And I encourage you to go through your wardrobe and do the same thing. I think we get confused. Sometimes we feel like we're meant to fit into the clothes.

Well, no Your clothes are meant to fit you. So what I did was I went shopping I found I found a place that had clothes that suited my shape and my style, and I went shopping. If you're not sure how to dress for your body shape, go and spend a little bit of money on a clothes consultant who can help make you feel and look amazing. Every time you get dressed. I you know, I like to look colorful, you know, I like to wear vibrant clothes. And as much as I love black and Gray's I still like to wear some color as well.

Nobody's ever going to tell me that there's a certain age that I need to stop wearing certain things. And so go through your wardrobe. Empower yourself by by saying Nah, no longer having those those skinny jeans, no longer waiting around and I don't need these tests. J Anyway, you know those jeans that you've got the test how far or how close you are to go away, you don't need those. And when you are properly leaving diet free, and you are mainly intuitive eating, and you are moving your body because you love it, you won't need the three sizes of clothes because your body will be where it's meant to be. And for the first time in your life, you will be one of those people.

That is a normal weight. And you're not fixated on on diet. So counting calories people I used to look at and think how can you be like that. I only know how to diet. So it's a really exciting time. But go through your wardrobe.

Get rid of the clothes and buy clothes that fit your body and make you feel fantastic.

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