Fear of giving up dieting

Positive Body Image for Mothers Positive Body Image for Mothers: Mirror Movement for Mothers
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One of the really interesting things is that when I tell people that I now live diet free, the reaction from people is really quite interesting. Often, there's a misconception out there that if you're giving up on diets, you're giving up on yourself. Nothing could actually be further, further from the truth. You know, diets are all based on shame and disappointment in yourself. It's based on the fee that you need to be on this diet to lose the weight that you need. It's based on us happily accepting or unhappily accepting that we're not good enough as we are.

When I gave up diets, I didn't give up on myself. I gave up on the diet industry. I want to live my best life. You want to live your best life. You want to feel good when you're out. You want to feel When you're in, you want to be okay with how you are, and and who you are.

And the diet industry doesn't allow that. So one of the biggest fears for people is that if they give up diets, they're somehow letting themselves go. For me and for all the other people that are part of the diet, free movement, the body positive body acceptance movements that are out there. It's really about nurturing yourself. It is about seeing yourself with kindness through the eyes of kindness. And it's about looking after yourself because you love yourself.

When I was on a diet, I would exercise because I needed to burn calories from what I'd eaten. It was a chore. I hated it. I was usually annoyed that I had to be there because I'd eaten something that was awful. Plan Why couldn't I just stick to the goddamn diet? But leaving diet free, changes that entire relationship.

I now exercise because I love my body. I love how it feels at the end of a workout to feel strong. Love feeling strong. I love feeling alive. Giving up giants is about saying, I'm okay. I want to take care of you, you the body that I have battled against for such a long time.

We need to drop diets, because our kids are watching us. I do not want another child to grow up thinking that it's normal to hate your body, that it's normal to battle against your body. And we have to lead that charge. We have to lead the way and say you know what? diets Based on us not being okay with ourselves, and the diet industry, they're the ones that made us feel like this in the first place. By showing us images of people we should look like, you know, six weeks to get to this body.

Well, no, this is the body that I have. I can do all the things in the world and I'm never going to have that body. This is the one that I've got. This is the one that I will work on. I will nurture it, I will feed it well. I will love it.

And giving up diets does not by any means mean you aren't giving up on yourself. It means that you are prepared for the rest of your life, to give yourself the gift of kindness. And I don't really know a better way to put it than that. But it is about loving yourself enough to let go of the idea that somehow you can achieve a perfect body. Well, perfect body Giant calm. You know the best body for you is the body that you have when you love, nourish and support your body.

So ditch the diet

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