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Positive Body Image for Mothers Positive Body Image for Mothers: Mirror Movement for Mothers
2 minutes
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Welcome to the mirror movement for moms Cause I'm so glad that you're here. If you're anything like most women, you're here because you've spent a lot of your life dieting, you've spent a lot of your life battling against your body, you're tired of the shame, and the guilt and all of the things that go along with constantly trying to lose a few kilos or a lot of kilos, and not being able to maintain the diet or the weight loss. I was stuck in a 20 year eating disorder and recovery, taught me how to receive things. And what we're going to do together during this course is to get rid of all of those false understandings that the diet industry has led us to believe the truth and we will recreate the truth. And once you see the lies that the dive industry have fed to You can't unsee it.

And so I'm so excited for you to be here because I have undergone huge change in my life. And I know that you can do the same thing too. So welcome to the mirror movement for moms course. I can't wait for you to feel as good as you possibly can. This is self paced course. So you can watch the videos in any order you like.

The course book obviously follows an order. I've created the course in the order that my change happens. And you have this course for life. So anytime you feel like you need to reboot, which will happen because this is a life journey. This isn't a quick fix. This is a journey of for ever, and accepting who we are and getting rid of all of that diet culture that tells us that we're not enough.

So I hope you get a lot out of this course. Make sure that you join the Facebook online. Group for the mirror movement course as well and enjoy

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