A click through rate is the percentage of your audience that advances or clicks through from one part of your website to the next step of your marketing campaign. In other words, a click through rate is how many people click to move forward into your website. Let's break the phrase click through rate into syllables into parts. The first part click sounds like the word click and rhymes with pick and hc. The second part through sounds like the word through and rhymes with brew and shoot. The third part rate sounds like the word rate and rhymes with a date and gate.
Now repeat after me click through rate. click through rate. click through rate. click through rate. Wow, our click through rate jumped 20% in two days. That's great because the click through rate for our industry is quite low.
We'd better take Look at the click through rate on our website. Something looks wrong. I think you're right. Our click through rate should be much higher. I feel like firing someone