Outdoor advertising or out of home advertising is when companies try to attract potential customers to their brand, product or service when they aren't at home. For example, by using billboards, decorating buses and vehicles, putting up signs and posters in mass transit areas, etc. In other words, outdoor advertising includes any type of marketing done outdoors to grab people's attention. Let's break the phrase outdoor advertising into syllables into parts. The first part out sounds like the word out rhymes with shout and bout. The second part door sounds like the word door and rhymes with boar and tour.
The third part ad sounds like the word ad and rhymes with bad and glad. The fourth part ver sounds like the V R sound in the words version, versatile verse. The fifth part ties sounds like the word ties and rhymes with skies and pies. The sixth part in sounds like the i n g sound in the words painting, nursing, jumping. Now repeat after me out door Ad ver ties in. Out door ad ver ties in outdoor advertising, outdoor advertising.
This is a relaxed community and everyone knows each other outdoor advertising would do well here. Alico advertising is a great idea, but we still need to do an advertising campaign on social media. That billboard on the outskirts of the city would be a great spot for outdoor advertising. If we use outdoor advertising in that location, we can catch commuters stuck in traffic on the way home.