Customer loyalty is when people consistently choose to be a customer of a particular store, or buy one specific product instead of using other stores or buying products made by other companies. In other words, customer loyalty means past customers continue to buy from the same company because they like the product and experience. Let's break the phrase customer loyalty into syllables into two parts. The first part costs sounds like the word costs in rhymes with bus and bus. The second part tem sounds like the T u m sound, in the words tumble and tell me the third part or sound like the ER sound in the words over and her. The fourth part loi, sounds like the L o y sound, and the L i sound in the words alloy and loin.
The fifth part all sounds like the U l sound in the words all sir and altra the sixth part t sounds like the word T and rhymes with C and P. Now, repeat after me cos Tom murmur loi, all t customer loyalty, customer loyalty, customer loyalty. That company has great customer loyalty. They just keep coming back to buy more. You're right. If our customer loyalty could be half of that we'd still be rich and successful. This meeting is to talk about how we need to focus more on customer loyalty.
I agree the customer loyalty of our company money has been dropping steadily over the past six months.