A target audience is the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement or other message in marketing and advertising is a particular group of consumers within the predetermined target market, identified as the targets or recipients for a particular advertisement or message. In other words, a target audience is a group of people to whom you want to sell your product or service. Let's break the phrase target audience into syllables into parts. First part tar sounds like the word tar rhymes with bar and car. The second part get sounds like the word get and rhymes with bet and debt. The third part ah sounds like the word Ah, n rhymes with saw.
And bra. The fourth part D sounds like the d e sound in the word deep deed, dear. The fifth part ends sounds like the E and C, E sound in the words fence. Hence, pens. Now, repeat after me. Tar get our D ends Get our D. target audience.
Target audience. Our target audience has changed over the years from unemployed homeowners to millionaire rock stars. Wow, that's a diverse target audience. What kind of products do you sell? How are you still in business? I'm curious.
Who is your target audience? Your products range from lollipops to rocket launchers. Our target audience is whoever can bring us the most profit. We sell to little children and to government