Self massage for the shoulder raised up. Definitely one of my favorites. Probably more, probably more one of my more favorite exercises, because it's such a cheap effective way of working with muscle tension. So here you really need two tennis balls. Some people use a lacrosse ball or a golf ball, they prefer starting off softer as far as that is concerned. So to use tennis balls is ideal.
And you'll see in the video that you're going to line it up. The erector spin is which you can see or not see so much in this posterior fascicle train running up in through here. So you're looking at the two muscle tissue that's running up the vertebrae here up against the spine, so you're not on the spine whenever on the spine, it's next to the spine on all the servic to tissue that runs up and down through here. So what happens is if the shoulder is raised up like this, all this shortened, so we were looking to address all this tissue running in through here, and understand how that actually connects up into the back of the head, as well here like this. So it's an amazing exercise for you to be doing and keep doing a lot of these exercises are actually great for you for better health for the rest of your life.
But I needed a way of teaching them to people and telling people that investing into this is good for them for the rest of their life. doesn't interest interest people that much. But if it's a media problem, like neck pain or some upper back pain, now we're talking. So you're looking at taking two tennis balls if you've only got one, and that's fine, but I like the symmetry of the two and you're gonna work your way out The whole back end tissue there. So we run in chains like this. So when you're doing the exercise, the self massage exercise, you are helping even though you're working, say the mid back and low back, you're still affecting this tissue up here, it's important that you start to think this way to get a better understanding about the body.
So take it easy with this exercise, the exercise is timed around five minutes, but for sure you can take longer with it and just kind of hang out. Again, if you feel any particular discomfort then just to ease off or stop altogether, but again, you're not going for the spine itself. It's next to it. You're not trying to destroy attention. You're just trying to get things to just relax and enjoy the amazing benefits of self