Neck awareness exercise lie with your back on the floor with your knees bent. Feeling the lower back, mid back and upper back touching the ground sends to the ground is supporting your back and you can relax into it. From here, take five deep breaths, feeling the ribcage expand as you breathe in and shrink as you breathe out. Notice that you can feel your back push against the ground as you breathe Take another five deep breaths. But this time focus your attention on breathing into your lower back. Feel it move as you take a slow deep breath in and slow deep breath out.
Return to normal breathing and slightly tuck the chin under, so you're facing the ceiling straight on. Try to feel as at the top of your spine, the central point in between the two Is, is being pulled away from you out through the crown of your head. Try putting your hand on the very back of your head on the occipital bones. Try to notice that the floor is touching the middle of the back of your hand and not the top of your head. Please note that you're not forcing the chin down restricting your airways. holding this current position, take another five deep breaths, breathing in for six seconds and out for six seconds.
See if you can still connect with the sense that the top of your spine is being pulled away from you out through the crown of your head. Finally, place your hand back down by your side. perform some many movements nodding yes 10 times feeling that the movement is coming from the top of your spine and no 10 times, feeling that the movement is coming from the top of your spine.