Did you have any others? Yeah, there was there was actually two others so that the next one I remember very vividly. And so this is kind of a mystical experience, I had it set, they took us into this meditation, it was called experiencing joy. That was the is the better theme every day. And so today it was going to be joy, and so whatever. And so we go into this meditation and data down all of a sudden, I hear someone laughing, you know, and I thought, like, you know, know, someone's faking it or whatever, you know, and then another person starts laughing, and then another person starts laughing and then then you could feel this energy swell in the room of this.
Laughter and this laughter completely took over the room. So this energy of like, hysterical joy entered the room is like one of the most amazing things I've ever experienced. And so I started laughing. I could Yeah, I could. Yeah, and I was like, the most cynical on it. But you know, say Oh, come on, it's like, so I started like, I started laughing so hard that I thought I was gonna break a rib and I think I like a wet my pants a little bit, you know?
It's like is incredible, and so on. And so, you know, I mean, it was it was so cathartic. It's like an emotional release of major proportions. You know, this like, just hysterical laughter like, in a room of 50 people where everyone's laughing, you know, and, and then so I get up on my onto all fours for summary, I kind of get done laughing I was gonna try and get up or something, but I was still in a pretty deep meditative state. And then my body starts rocking back and forth on all fours. It's really weird.
I could, it's almost like I couldn't control it, you know? Yeah. And then I had this pressure around my head. That was was so intense. That, you know, felt like my, my head was gonna cave in, you know, and I later found out that was called a rebirthing experience. So it's like as getting shoved through the birth canal again.
It has like it was it was intense. There's really intense and so men when as I was going through this canal, I felt this, like brilliant white light, just shoot through the top of my head like a blew my head off. I'm going, and I'm just going, What is going on? And then then so then I kind of didn't open my eyes. But I looked up in my mind's eye and then I saw a vision of Tony Robbins again, you know, and he's pointing at me, like he had just done a karate chop. And then I could feel like all this electricity coming from behind him, and coming in through the top of my head and he lifted up into the air and, and with this wave of energy, they went straight into the top of my head and went into my heart.
And I felt like this explosion again, it's like, holy. That's like, so that was the second one. So, in these meditations, I was getting totally rewired, which I would find out later, when I got home. So